TSA and Obama/securityfailures

TSA and Obama/securityfailures

The legacy continues.  TSA and Obama are competing now.  Isn't it splendid?  I feel like we are watching "American Idol for security failures"  staring TSA and Obama.   Let's look at  their song selections so far:TSA
This Christmas a plane nearly explodes in mid air with a Nigerian, Muslim radical trying to blow himself up:  According to Doug Hagmann of Northeast Intelligence Network, who talked with various passengers on other flights, there have been similar behavior and obvious dry runs happening with Muslim passengers on other flights. 
This week the TSA security camera failed at Newark Airport for 6 days….and how did anyone know that?  A mystery man was observed walking through a secured area. They ended finding footage of this intruder from Continental Airlines' back up cameras.  Everything was delayed.   Terminal C was shut down for six hours.   This could have been a dry run or terrorist attack.
TSA also has a huge problem with stealing.   Only the latest was  baggage screener, Pythias Brown, who was arrested after stealing and trying to resell on line some of the $200,000 in electronics he had stolen from passengers' luggage.  17,000 passengers a year register baggage theft complaints.  This is not small!  Only recently TSA demanded a new rule that all our bags remain unlocked.  Well,  that is working out smashingly well.
When TSA took over air safety just two years ago, they hired tons of workers without background reviews, some with felony records.  Now, of course since this all crept into the news, they screen their workers.   Did I say yet that there are 17,000 passengers reporting stolen luggage yet?  That tells anyone with a brain that there are more than a few problems with TSA employees handling our bags!
Just yesterday I got a call from  Aldo Bellini a former law enforcement officer who reported a security breach.  He and his wife were traveling from Tampa Florida to West Chester New York to go hunting with his Dad.  While there,  they were given an M1 Carbine Rifle as a gift to take home.  When they got to the airport Bellini turned over the rifle and was only asked to sign the standard declaration saying it was unloaded.  He and his wife were not asked for ID and he was not asked if it was unloaded.  In frustration,  he finally declared that it was unloaded and offered his wife's ID since the gun was in her name and a gift to her.   They had been told by the TSA via phone a few days before their trip that someone would bring out their rifle to them on the other end to avoid any panic and for security purposes.   In fact when they landed, they eventually saw the rifle case coming around the baggage carrousel with all the other luggage.  Bellini was horrified and noticed that the carrousel was only 20 feet from the door and their were many people around who could have grabbed up the gun and either stolen it or used it for an attack.  Terrorists usually work in teams.  Someone could have been waiting their with ammo to start shooting up the place like the Ft. Hood Terrorist did. 
Let's see…..we have terrorists getting on planes with bombs;  we have thousands of passengers with stolen baggage, and security cameras not working.  We have people bringing rifles on planes with hardly a question,    SIMON SAYS YOU FAIL!  GET OFF THE STAGE.
Now, to our next contestant,  Obama.
Announcement to close GITMO last January
We see the closing of GITMO and a bunch of high level terrorist thugs allowed to be tried in US civilian courts with Miranda rights.  They will get  all our special rules of evidence and citizen privileges.   One attorney recently told me that even the admission of Khalid Shaikh Mohammed, the self proclaimed mastermind of the 9/11 attacks,  and the thug who beheaded Daniel Pearl, would be thrown out.  
Holder and the Obama administration had a year of debate and finally in their philanthropic wisdom decided that military tribunals weren't appropriate but civilian courts, especially in New York were. 
Who cares if this is a dangerous insult to New Yorkers and the legal system?  Who cares if these upcoming trials will draw and insight terrorist attacks?  Who cares if some of these murdering master minds are acquitted because their own admissions can't be used in court?
The Fort Hood legacy
We also see another national security achievement when, under Obama, Ft. Hood Islamic murderer   Nidal Malik Hasan, an officer and army trained psychiatrist,  blew away 13 soldiers and an unborn baby for a total of 14 murders.  We were all told by the networks and our President "not to rush to judgment."  As the horror show unfolded we found that this killer had been tracked by the FBI for over a year and been linked to a radical Imam who had involvement with some of the 9/11 hijackers.  His statements, emails and actions had been inappropriate and causing concern for at least 2 years before the murderous rampage.  Naturally,  nothing was done.  That would be rude!
Christmas plane attack   
While Obama was playing golf in Hawaii and whooping it up on vacation,  23-year-old Nigerian, Muslim radical Umar Farouk Abdulmutallab tried to blow up a plane bound for Detroit.   Miraculously the underwear bomb, though starting to detonate and explode, failed and a nearby passenger clobbered him.  The plane was spared but now the nation wonders when will the next plane be attacked?  This terrorist's own father, a high up banker and former official even warned our CIA and authorities about his radical son but no one paid attention.  Then there is that small item that he walked right onto the plane with bombs strapped to his underwear.  Doesn't that make you feel secure?  It was 72 hours later that Obama even responded.  After all, it was only a terrorist attack in our skies and he had a golf game to finish. 
Other national security failures
There have been several national security failures with this Administration right from the start.   The 'song' selection so far has included the following:
     1.  The Obama administration handed the serial killers,  HAMAS  $900,000 
     2.  Obama has made a mockery of our reputation and freedom by supporting, hugging and chumming up to his buddy Venezuela's Hugo Chavez.
     3.  Obama betrayed the rule of law and people of Honduras when he backed the rightfully and lawfully ousted leader Manual Zelaya.  Even though it was known that he was breaking their laws and trying to stop elections,  Obama and Hillary came out quickly, and strongly in support of him.
     4. Obama has looked the other way with Mahmoud Ahmadmejad and Iran, saying that he had the right to go nuclear and ignoring more than once the uprising of the citizens against him who were getting beaten and killed. 

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