Two Undecided Senate Elections Still Need Your Prayers

November 19, 2008<?xml:namespace prefix = o ns = "urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:office" />
Two Undecided Senate Elections
Still Need Your Prayers
"When the righteous are in authority, the people rejoice;
But when a wicked man rules, the people groan." Prov 29:2
As we reported to you in our most recent Alert (November 11 – see archives), two Senate races are still "too close to call."  The results will determine whether or not the Democrats will have a filibuster proof majority
The <?xml:namespace prefix = st1 ns = "urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:smarttags" />Minnesota Senate race between Al Franken (D.) and Sen. Norm Coleman (R.) has Coleman still leading by approximately 206 votes.  A recount will begin Wednesday (Nov. 19) and it will probably take about 2-3 weeks to determine the winner.  Franken is a VULGAR so-called comedian with an anti-Christ attitude.
Below are brief excerpts about this recount:
"Part of the problem, say critics, was Franken himself, and the treasure trove of ammunition his career as a writer and comedian gave Coleman – including a raunchy Playboy column, comments portrayed as anti-Catholic, partisan books such as 'Rush Limbaugh is a Big Fat Idiot,' and the discovery that he hadn't paid taxes"
"Both candidates were criticized for their barrage of attack ads, with Franken portraying Coleman as a Bush acolyte and sleazy senator, and Coleman harping on Franken's raunchy humor, satirical rants, and unpaid taxes."
(See: Minnesota Senate race down to a handful of votes…and counting)
In Georgia, the excerpts explain what's at stake in the December 2 runoff:
"So you thought the election was over? No way. One of the most important elections of the year is taking place right here in Georgia in the runoff between Republican U.S. Sen. Saxby Chambliss and challenger Jim Martin."
"The stakes couldn't be higher…Democrats will have a filibuster-proof majority in the Senate, giving Majority Leader Harry Reid and House Speaker Nancy Pelosi, both far-out liberals, unbridled congressional power."
"This is why the re-election of Chambliss is a must. He may be all that stands between the American people and congressional tyranny."
(See: Georgia Senate runoff crucial to nation)
As you surely know, it is very important that Republicans be able to filibuster (block) much of the immoral Obama/Democrats agenda (abortion, homosexual marriage, radical judicial nominees, confiscatory taxation, embryonic stem cell "research", "changing" our country into a secular humanist totalitarian state – in which, any mention of the God of the Bible is neither politically correct or permissible, etc).
This will probably be possible if Coleman and Chambliss are reelected.  Let me emphasize that we are not (!) Republicans, but rather Christians who hate the evil agenda being planned by the Obama/Democrat majority (Ps 97:10; Prov 6:16-17).
Will you join us in PRAYER that:
1.    Senators Coleman and Chambliss will prevail (Dan 4:17, 25);
2.    All efforts to manipulate and steal these races will be Exposed and Confounded (Job 5:11-16);
3.    Although the USA deserves great Judgment, may the Lord have Mercy (Hab 3:2)!

Highly Recommended, relevant articles:
Sarah Palin: Dumb like a fox
Rising Stars of the GOP
Palin on their mind
Why They Hate Her
Cold realities await Gov. Sarah Palin in Alaska
McCain defends Palin in post-election TV interview
Also see:
Minnesota Recount in the Hands of Diverse Board
Ga. Senate runoff draws big names, but not Obama
Franken hones absentee case ahead of Minn. recount
Stay Faithful to Core Values
Gay advocates protest marriage ban across nation   

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