The United States Sovereignty is on life Support

The United States Sovereignty is on life Support

It is time to march in the streets, flood congress with faxes, emails, phone calls and scream very loud!!!  It feels like a remake of War of the Worlds, the famous Science Fiction thriller where hideous aliens attacked earth.  We are getting zapped all right but it is by President Obama and International aliens!  Greed, fraud and lies are backing the Copenhagen Climate Treaty coming up this December.  Obama is thrilled and planning to sign it.    Just what does 'sign it' actually mean? Bye Bye to U.S. sovereignty and the authority of our Constitution. Hello to worldwide tax controlled by the Self-appointed Messiahs of this International Treaty.
Signed Treaties cannot be overturned unless by a majority vote by the voting members of the Treaty.  It is highly doubtful voting countries represented would let the USA, the largest money block, back out at a later date with a different President.  That would be like a 3 year old wanting a toy telling Santa Clause to get out of his house.  It ain't gonna happen.
Thankfully we still need the Senate to ratify this after Obama signs it so we aren't sunk just yet. 
We have seen the international, environmental cult push hard before
Back in 1997 you may remember the Kyoto Protocol.  This was another aggressive international push to get a tax from the US, micro manage business and the economy based on fraudulent,  false science.   The Copenhagen Climate Treaty is a reincarnated version of the earlier nightmare that faced us in 1997.  Fortunately the U.S. Senate unanimously passed by a 95-0 vote the Byrd-Hagel Resolution, basically saying the US would not be a signer on any protocol that didn't have verified targets and timetables for developing nations and that could result in serious harm to the US economy.  Thank God for sanity back then.  What happened to Obama's brain now?
Obama can't help himself with this treaty I reckon.  It is the classic, draconian vehicle, hidden in the falsified needs of the world and science, to REDISTRIBUTE OUR WEATLH TO 3RD WORLD COUNTRIES.  Remember, with this President redistributing wealth to groups Obama defines, creating big Government, while smashing freedom is his goal.  This is the man who studied, loved and taught Saul Alinsky's Rules for Radicals.  You know that the lovely book dedicated to Satan in the front cover.
The greens,  the global warming crowd and the backers of the former Kyoto Protocal and now the Copenhagen Climate Treaty are the new face of the communist party surrounding us, using the environment as the cover.  They just hope we don't notice.
We do notice
Slam calls,  faxes and emails on congress.  Demand your Senators and Representatives say NO on this treaty if Obama signs it (and he says he will).   Your country is counting on your involvement and focused anger.  Spread the word, build the pressure and tell 10 friends.
This is not what America needs for her Christmas present.

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