Walk for Life

Kamie's Walk for Life<?xml:namespace prefix = o ns = "urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:office" />
J. Michael Sharman
            This Saturday, the Culpeper Pregnancy Center is having its annual Walk-for-Life at the Culpeper Baptist Church starting at 8:30 a.m. Nancy and I will attend it this year just as we have every year since our daughter Kamie was 13 or 14 years old.
For a couple years before that, we went along with Kamie when she asked if we would take her up to the annual January 22nd March for Life in D.C. which every year marks the anniversary of the Supreme Court's Roe v. Wade ruling.
Folks who know my wife, Nancy, and I figure that we had passed our pro-life conservatism on to Kamie.  Nope, it was the other way around. Nancy and I were always personally pro-life, but it was Kamie who got us to be public about it. She persuaded us with her simple black and white argument: These innocent babies can't speak up for themselves, we can, therefore we must. I haven't yet heard a better or more persuasive pro-life argument.
Even so, when the Culpeper Pregnancy Center started up a local Walk-for-Life to help support their work with pregnant women, we were sure glad there was finally a way to satisfy Kamie's pro-life activism that was closer to home and occurred in springtime rather than having us march around Capitol Hill in the dead of winter.
            As Kamie grew older, she fell in love with Bill, the Virginia Tech college boy who taught her Sunday School class. After they married, they became the youngest couple to be approved for adoption in <?xml:namespace prefix = st1 ns = "urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:smarttags" />Virginia, or at least that's what their adoption agency told us.
Recently, Lindy Dimeo, the director of the Culpeper Pregnancy Center, asked Kamie to write an article about her adoption experience. When I read it, I asked Kamie if I could put it in my column. Here's her story:
What a blessing adoption is: that's how our family got started. It made us feel like we were walking in the clouds. The memories come back as if it were yesterday.
Opportunity was on our side when a friend told us that a baby boy was looking for a new family. Our hearts raced with anticipation, could he really become ours?
We met this awesome little boy when he was three weeks old. The window was open, could we be chosen? Oh God, my heart cried out, please choose us! Could this mom really give us this life? Could this really happen for us?
Our new baby boy was five weeks old when God heard our cries and filled us with joy.
This baby boy had made our hearts full with love, yet God continued to bless our little family. His love poured out on us with two precious girls and another boy. What a beautiful family, so many to love, who could ask for more than these precious gifts from above?
Two more times the window for adoption was opened. Again God allowed us to be chosen, and we now have two loving teenage boys. TEENAGERS! I'm only twenty–six! With God anything is possible!
Our latest blessing was born this year. She's lucky number seven. God is good, all the time.
My heart goes out with incredible appreciation to the women who choose adoption for their babies. There is no greater gift, than to give life. To give life is to give love.
Yep, you read it right: She's 26 years old and has seven children ranging from an infant girl to a 17 year-old boy. Some are adopted, some aren't, and every single one of them are all embraced tightly within the incredible definition of "our family".
Kamie's husband, Bill van Hoven, pastors the Calvary Chapel which meets out at the Piedmont-Carver Technical Center. This Saturday Bill and Kamie will be joining the rest of the area's churches at the Culpeper Baptist Church for this year's Walk-for-Life.
Bill can preach the Word and he can teach the Bible, but he and Kamie know that the best sermon they will ever preach will be with them that day in their stroller, in their arms, and walking alongside them.
For our family, it truly has been the Walk for Life.


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