The War on the Constitution

Guest Column by Jani Allan

It could surely not have been coincidental that Joe Biden chose 7th November to deliver a ‘victory’ speech to a couple of dozen Americans in a parking lot in Delaware. It was on 7th November 1917 that Petrograd was seized by the Bolshevik Party.

On Saturday Associated Press informed the world that Joe Biden was the 46th President of the United States. I didn’t think decision desks and news organizations got to decide who is the President of the United States.

I was having supper with friends. We flicked through dozens of television channels hoping for factual reporting, not public relations. All the news anchors, all with the same demeanor, we are repeating the same script. Joe Biden. A landslide. More votes than had ever been cast. The Agenda had been set. The defeated old man who occasionally showed up at a car parking lot and shouted cliches at a half a dozen people was to be the leader of the free world? So here we are: It was a nine-eleven moment; that feeling of watching something while thinking ‘This. Can’t. Be. Happening.’

Newsmax had risen to the occasion. They were screening a documentary on Elvis.


The defeated old man, the deeply, deeply corrupt old man, was shouting more cliches about how he was going to heal the country. Joe Biden, as charismatic as a bowl of old suet, accompanied by his family and his son Hunter, currently under investigation by the FBI for charges that compromise the security of this country….

The Biden crime cartel has profited richly from America. Many patriots will recall the words of Samuel Adams which are applicable to this egregious clan.

Crouch down and lick the hands which feed you. May your chains set lightly upon you, and may posterity forget that you were our countrymen.

Truth is under attack as never before. A haze of deception enshrouds the world. When people do not sincerely love the truth, they come to believe lies.


We are in the middle of a war which is being waged by tyrannical billion dollar tech companies. They decide what we can see and hear and know. Oh. And say. Harvard law professor Jack Goldsmith and University of Arizona law professor Andrew Keane Woods recently published an article in the Atlantic declaring, “As surprising as it may sound, digital surveillance and speech-control in the United States already show many similarities to what one finds in authoritarian states such as China.”

We’ve gone way beyond that. This is a repressive government. This is a totalitarian, authoritarian government that at this point rules much of the world. Even though Facebook and Twitter are private companies, government officials are encouraging them to continue censoring Republican politicians and conservative viewpoints. Big Tech simply censor stories critical of Joe Biden. A study by the Media Research Center found that Facebook and Twitter have censored President Donald Trump 65 times since May 2018, while Biden has never been censored.

“Twitter has been far and away the biggest offender, labeling, fact-checking, and removing Trump’s tweets and the tweets from his campaign accounts 64 times since the president’s election,” Corinne Weaver and Alec Schemmel wrote. Twitter is censoring the President! Satire overtakes reality. George Orwell couldn’t make this up.

The citizens don’t even seem aware that they have already lost their freedom of speech, but they must surely be aware of the breakdown in the rule of law which is devastating. Big Tech and the Mainstream media also ban or block references to any riots and looting. Oh! They also never show the size of the crowds that show up to President Trump rallies. You only get to see those if you know about a YouTube channel RSBC.

A breakdown in the rule of law is devastating. Our world is filled with nations where government simply does not enforce law and order, and as a result, criminality, corruption, bribery, thuggery and lawlessness are rife, as are the squalor and low standards of living that always accompany them. As America abandons the laws on which it was established, this is its future.

Joe Biden doesn’t seem overly bothered that the fabric of society is being torn apart. Meanwhile, the hatred of the left goes uncensored. Kathy Griffen puts up a photograph of a severed head of President Trump and an Antifa mob act-out eating a raw heart that purports to be that of President Trump.

They are celebrated. Anyone questioning the election results are smartly blocked from all social media. While Joe Biden is saying “We are not enemies, we are Americans,” his Democratic comrades are making lists of Trump supporters so that they can be ‘adequately punished.’

No Trump “sycophant” will go unpunished. Given the demonic venom of the Left it is difficult not to see this as a their intention; that is, to establish hitlists and Gulags. The anti-law ideology that permeates America today actually arouses hostility toward the Constitution— the foundational document of the nation. Big-Tech’s censorship is indicative of a complete disregard and a scorn for the Founding Fathers.

Moral depravity is a leftist trade mark. Trump didn’t divide this country in 2016, he simply won. It was the political bigotry, narcissism & sexism of liberal women that divided this country. President George Washington said in his first inaugural address, “The foundations of our national policy will be laid in the pure and immutable principles of private morality” (emphasis added throughout). In his famous farewell address, he said, “Of all the dispositions and habits which lead to political prosperity, religion and morality are indispensable supports.”

The reason rejecting America’s constitutional rule of law is so monumental is that it is a form of rejecting God. You have only to see the burning of Bibles, the chanting of “F–k your Jesus” to realize that there is a satanic spirit in the land. A spirit of lawlessness is coursing through America.

This hatred against America’s existing rule of law is not just an emotional reaction among anarchist rioters. It is also a strong ideology that has convicted the minds of reporters, entertainers, educators, schoolchildren, workers and even top members of the government itself.

The danger of Americans rejecting the Constitution is not simply that they disagree with its specific clauses. The danger is that they reject the concept of a supreme law of the land, a higher authority that everyone agrees to abide by and to change only according to that authority. Simply put: They reject the rule of law. “History reveals that empires are destroyed if they fail to establish the rule of law.”

Whereas the founders established the nation on biblical morality, this growing movement is amoral and areligious. It is anti-history, anti-tradition, anti-authority and anti-law.

John Adams once noted “Our Constitution was made only for a moral and religious people. It is wholly inadequate to the government of any other. For the first time since the Civil War, America’s existence as a functioning republic is on the line.

I suppose one can look at the bright side, we can recount the beautiful story to our children and grandchildren of the short time in American History when a U.S. President actually inspired hope, brought about success to the common man, kept his promises, protected our lives and served the nation’s and people’s interests instead of his own and that of the special interest groups.

Oh what an optimistic time it was.

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