Warning: Hizballah May Be Seeking Legitimization From Trump Administration & 
U.S. Christian Communities


Many conservatives and Christians greatly appreicate the concern by President Donald Trump and Vice-President Mike Pence for those that are victims of religious persecution. However, we must always remember that the stated goal of the Islamic groups is to infiltrate every power-center in America and use that as cover for their splinter groups, stealth civilization Jihad, and to confuse law-enforcement, elected officials, and the American people as to their true intentions.

Below are some points of concern and links to open source articles that should cause officials in the Trump Administration to be on guard of a potential information operation and influence campaign by Muslim Brotherhood and Hizballah.

Please read and consider the information below and then perhaps make a phone call or send a note to the President thanking him for his concern for those that are the victims of religious persecution. Yet, also let the President know that you want his Administration to understand the connection between some of the religious leaders and groups that may be seeking to use his Administration for their own agenda.


Save the Persecuted Christians - STPC - https://savethepersecutedchristians.org/


  • Led by Father Andre Y-Sebastian Mahanna & Dede Laugesen


  • Linked by associations w/many Muslim imams, mosques & Islamic organizations to the Muslim Brotherhood & anti-Israel entities such as Open Doors & Christ at the Checkpoint


  • Most troubling of all is the hierarchical relationship between Fr. Mahanna & his Maronite Church superior, Patriarch Bechara Boutros Cardinal Rai (aka al-Rahi), who is known throughout Lebanon as “the Hizballah Patriarch” because of his close, supportive relationship w/Hizballah


  • Per 9 January 2019 article in a Lebanese outlet, it appears that Patriarch Rai & his supporters (In Defense of Christians & US Maronite Catholic Church) may have been attempting to arrange a White House meeting w/Pres. Trump during a later-cancelled Jan 2019 U.S. visit - http://www.naharnet.com/stories/en/254868


  • Rai already has established WH connections by way of VP Mike Pence, who spoke at the In Defense of Christians 25 October 2017 WH dinner, which was attended by Rai



  • Concern seems warranted because Hizballah, named by the Dept. of State to the Foreign Terrorist Organizations (FTO) list, appears to be seeking access to & even legitimization by the Trump admin & U.S. Christian communities by way of a claim to defend Christians in the Middle East (even as it executes its Iranian masters’ demands to annihilate Jews/Israel) – if so, this would be a classic information operation (in the same way that the Muslim Brotherhood seeks access, connections & acceptance by luring unwary faith communities/leaders into interfaith dialogue programs)


  • STPC leadership & Board Members are certainly unaware of these Sunni/Shi’ite jihadist attempts to use the good names of high-profile members & their good intentions to nefarious purposes – but there is no question that both Hizballah & the MB are running carefully-planned operations vs STPC & perhaps CSP as well.

Maronite Church Patriarch Bechara Cardinal Rai & Hizballah (Party of God)



November 2012 photo of meeting between Cardinal Rai

& Hizballah delegation headed by Sayyed Ibrahim Amin al-Sayyed,

head of the Hizballah political council & members Ghaleb Abou Zeinab

& Moustafa El-Hajj Ali.




May 2014 meeting between Maronite Patriarch Cardinal

Bechara Boutros Rai & Hizballah delegation along with

Bishop Samir Mazloum  & Al-Emir Hareth Chehab



December 29, 2016 photo of meeting between Cardinal Rai

& Hizballah delegation led by Politburo head Sayyed Ibrahim Amine Al-Sayyed

that included Mustapha Hajj Ali, Mohammad Saeed al-Khansa & Mahmoud Komati




2016 Photo of Cardinal Rai w/Michel Aoun,                       Michel Aoun & Hizballah SecGen Hassan Nasrallah

the Hizballah choice for President of Lebanon                      6 Feb 2006 - “Paper of Understanding”




  • Upon his March 2011 appointment as Patriarch (attended by a Hizballah representative), now-Cardinal Rai proceeded to purge many of the more Lebanese nationalist Maronite Church priests from their positions in the US & replace them w/priests more aligned w/his pro-Hizballah policies


  • Patriarch Bechara Boutros Rai made a Cardinal by Pope Benedict in November 2012


  • Cardinal Rai defends Hizballah publicly on the pretext that Hizballah defends Christians (as is claimed that Iranian puppet Syrian strongman Bashar al-Assad does likewise)



    • Expressed support for the Muslim Brotherhood uprising vs Bashar al-Assad



    • 30 Oct 2013 in Beirut, Lebanon: Sayyed Ali Fadlallah, son of Hizballah Shi’ite clerical leader Mohammad Hussein Fadlallah (d. July 2010), launched an interfaith dialogue program called “Religions and Cultures Forum for Development and Dialogue”




  • Patriarch Cardinal Bechara Boutros Rai: In His Own Words






  • Cardinal Rai: Anti-Israel/Antisemitism    


    • July 2018: Israeli Knesset passed a law to define Israel as “the nation-state of the Jewish people" – Rai (who had visited Israel in 2014) slammed the new law as "ignoble, anti-democratic and anti-pluralist", linked to the previous decision of the Israeli parliament to proclaim Jerusalem as the capital of Israel – added that "in this land [Israel and occupied territories] we have episcopates, parishes, institutions and a people. The Jewish people - and the states that support them - do not have the right to push their aggressions and their acts of exclusion further and further."  - http://www.asianews.it/news-en/Patriarch-Rai:-Law-on-Jewish-state-excludes-Christians-and-Muslims-44496.html


    • June 2014: Maronite Bishop Boulos Sayyah hastened to assure Hizballah “that ties between the Maronite Church and Hezbollah would not be affected by the controversial visit the Maronite patriarch [Rai] paid to Israel last month… [n]othing will change in our ties with Hezbollah,” Sayyah told a local television station.


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