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Was it Something I Said? Ed Decker Kicked Off The 9-12 Project Website<?xml:namespace prefix = o ns = "urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:office" />

Ed Decker

Last week, a lady named Donna Rogers wrote an article for the Glenn Beck 9.12 Project website attacking Brannon Howse..and lauding Beck for being God's answer to the many problems besieging this country.

Aside from picking one sentence from an hour long Brannon Howse program to springboard from, she told us Glenn Beck is today's King Hezekiah and also like King Jehoshaphat.

I had to join/sign up for the 9.12 project in order to respond and was delighted in Beck's openness to real dialogue when my application was reviewed and I was not only accepted as a 'member, but they posted my strong response and defense of Brannon Howse.

I was so pleased and my opinion of Glenn Beck actually rose when I saw that he could handle dissent 'like a man.'

I was so excited I even signed up for tickets for his spiritual 'back to the faith of our fathers' prayer meeting in D.C. this weekend.

But, that was yesterday. Today, I tried to sign in and see how the dialogue was going.

Alas. I got this message!

You have been suspended from The 9.12 Project Network

Sorry, Ed Decker, you can not access The 9.12 Project Network as you have been suspended. If you think you've been suspended in error, you can contact the administrator.

Message to the Administrator

So much for Glenn Beck and His cry for openness and dialogue.

Folks, Glenn Beck sits there in his studio, talking openness and honesty and the 9-12 Project the he says he founded is doing just the opposite.

Reminds me of that famous Jack Nicholson line in "A Few Good Men".

"Truth? You Can't Handle the Truth!"

Please click here to read the article that must have been filled with just too much truth for the 9-12 Project to handle.


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