What Happens When the Technocrats Hold all the Cards?

Source: https://www.technocracy.news/

As editor of Technocracy News & Trends, I am not particularly satisfied in reporting story after story, day after day, on various aspects of the so-called Covid pandemic. Why fight the propaganda machine? Does it really matter? Aren’t other sites covering it anyway?

After replaying these questions every morning in light of Technocracy, I always come to the same conclusion:


This is Technocracy’s coup d’état. It specifically started on Jan. 30, 2020, when the World Health Organization declared COVID-19 was a pandemic, calling for emergency powers, lockdowns, social distancing, masks, vaccines, etc.

I flatly predicted this coup in 2015 in Technocracy Rising: The Trojan Horse of Global Transformation. There was no way at that time to understand the means of the coup, but it was clear to me that it was coming, that it had a timetable and intention:

“When studying the progression of Nazi Germany leading up to Hitler’s assumption of complete power, I have often theorized that there was very likely a specific point in time when he realized that he had all the political, military, organizational and economic power necessary to declare himself dictator. Hitler had declared his intentions in his 1925 book, Mein Kampf, which was mostly ignored at the time because it was written by a trouble-making rabble-rouser who was serving time in jail for what he claimed were political crimes. But, Hitler had a dream and a strategy to get there, and then he embarked on implementing that strategy. In 1933, after he clawed and connived his way into power, he pulled the plug and declared himself dictator; there was nothing anyone could do about it. To oppose him meant certain death or imprisonment. His work and strategy, like moving the pieces on a chessboard, had resulted in a doomsday checkmate. My point is that it didn’t happen by accident or a even by a series of random events where one day he just woke up and thought, “I think I will announce my dictatorship after lunch today.” Rather, Hitler was certainly gathering pieces of his empire all along, analyzing and plotting his victory with excruciating detail. As the necessary assets were lined up in a row under his control, Hitler knew exactly what it would take to get to the top, and he knew that he would know when he had arrived. Well, that day arrived, and history was changed forever.

“Based on this thinking, if today’s technocrats are meticulously working toward a scientific dictatorship and applying a specific strategy to get there, wouldn’t you think that they have a specific list of criteria that must be met before “game over” can be called? Wouldn’t you think that they are comparing such a list to the actual progress they are making in the world? Wouldn’t you think that they are monitoring their progress and will recognize when the list has been fulfilled? If you can see my point here, then there are only two questions left: When that day comes, will the Technocrats have the guts to shut the old world order down and simply declare the “system” as dictator? If so, how long will it take them to act?”

Well, of course they have the guts to shut down the old world order! They have done it, haven’t they?

They have declared the “system” as dictator. Isn’t this exactly what Big Tech and Big Pharma are telling us?

So, what about all the other initiatives that Technocracy has been known for?

  • Smart grid – controlling the use and distribution of energy
  • Internet of Everything – What can be connected will be connected
  • 5G – to connect the IoE
  • Surveillance – Everything is monitored and tracked
  • Smart Cities – Using IoE to socially engineer the entire city

Those are all advancing on other fronts, but the main column – medical tyranny – is the “shock and awe” phenomenon that is sucking all the oxygen out of the room. Globally. Nationally. Locally. In the workplace. In the hospitals and clinic. In the corporate world. In churches. In neighborhoods. In families.

As such then, the pandemic and all of its surrounds is the ONLY STORY that counts right now, and that’s why Technocracy News & Trends will continue to report on it.

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