What is She Looking For?

What is She Looking For? – Ray Comfort<?xml:namespace prefix = o ns = "urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:office" />

"A few night[s] back I had a dream about the rapture. In this dream I was lifted off the ground. Floating in the air I suddenly realized I was wrong and there is a God and I'm in a lot of trouble. Then, everyone around me, and me, stopped, hung in the air then fell to the ground; but we didn't hit the ground, we went straight through it. Down we went into Hell. I didn't think to pray or call out to Jesus. I just thought to myself 'This is impossible, this can't be happening...hang on, this is just a dream!' And that was the end of that. The thing is Ray, as realistic as the dream was it didn't make me want to repent at all." Andy DucheminMost parents have had dreams of one of their kids being in great danger, or we have nightmares about horrible spiders, or falling from a cliff-edge. I have had a reoccurring dream for years in which I was in a pulpit in front of a huge crowd, and I couldn't find my place in the Bible. We tend to dream our fears, but that one fear resulted in a positive outcome. I always step up to a pulpit knowing exactly where I am going, and that happens because of that horrible dream.You mentioned that the dream you had didn't cause you to want to repent. That's understandable. Many people "repent" out of fear and end up falling away. The problem is, repentance must be coupled with what the Bible calls "godly sorrow." There must be contrition. Think of a man who has committed adultery, who wants to get back with his wife. She is willing to take him back, but what is she looking for? Genuine sorrow that will result in him not wanting to betray her trust ever again. That's what God is looking for in you--a genuine sorrow that will result in you turning from all that you know to be offensive to Him.It sounds a little ridiculous when an adult "dares" someone to do something. But I will be ridiculous in a big way to make an important point. I double-dare you to say to God, "Please show me as You see me, and then show me Yourself, as You are."Before you do this, read through The Sermon on the Mount (Matthew 5:1-5:7).


He Should Have Been a Plumber

Just before Christmas, an Anglican priest in the northern English city of <?xml:namespace prefix = st1 ns = "urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:smarttags" />York told his parishioners that poor people struggling to survive should steal food and other essentials from shops, rather than raise money through prostitution, burglary or mugging. Rather than a sermon telling his hearers to steal from businesses, he should be telling them to take what they need from his own church's collection plate. If he didn't do that because his church is feeling the economic pinch, that brings into question his motive. If his parishioners take his advice and his weekly collection increases, he is benefiting from the crime he instigated and therefore complicit to it. The question also arises as to whether or not the priest personally practices what he preaches. Does he himself shoplift? If he doesn't, he's a hypocrite. If he does, then he's a criminal. If he says that he doesn't need to shoplift because he is financially sound, then he should be giving to his poor folks, rather than making them into thieves.Britain's Daily Mail reported, "He told parishioners it would not break the eighth commandment 'thou shalt not steal' because it 'is permissible for those who are in desperate situations to take food that they might not starve.' The Yorkshire Evening Post reported that he said, "'My advice, as a Christian priest, is to shoplift,' he told his stunned congregation at St Lawrence and St Hilda in York."The twisted advice of the Reverend is nothing new. The religious leaders at the time of Christ also perverted the Ten Commandments. In Matthew 15 they changed the Fifth so that they didn't have to honor their father and mother, and they even tried to soften the Seventh. But in the Sermon on the Mount Jesus warned that God considers lust to be adultery of the heart.This all comes back to idolatry. Once you make a god to suit yourself, anything goes. The Bible says that if you steal, even in the case of dire need, you pay back seven-fold. Sex becomes okay "if you love someone." Lying becomes morally okay if they are lies that don't "hurt" anyone. Adultery becomes acceptable if the marriage is boring, and the murder of children in the womb is permitted if a pregnancy is an inconvenience. But the Bible is clear that all liars, adulterers, murderers and thieves will end up in Hell."The Rev. Jones added, "I do not offer such advice because I think that stealing is a good thing, or because I think it is harmless, for it is neither." He said that people shouldn't steal from small, family businesses, but from large national businesses. This is what happens when unconverted men go into the ministry. Many of today's preachers should have been plumbers, motivational speakers or bankers, rather than what the Bible calls 'preachers of righteousness.' The moral Law is meant to show us that we are sinners and that we need a Savior. The Ten Commandments don't need changing. We do. We may change them to suit ourselves, but they will still be the standard of judgment on Judgment Day. God wrote them in stone for a reason.

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