Why the Atheist Runs from God

Why the Atheist Runs from God . . . –Ray Comfort <?xml:namespace prefix = o ns = "urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:office" />

Every argument, every angry word, all the mockery, etc., that comes from the mouths of atheists does nothing but strengthen my faith in God. This is because I understand their perspective. They are like blind men who don't believe in light. It makes sense that they mock what they don't know, and that they especially mock the gospel, because God has chosen a foolish message to confound the proud. The atheist doesn't know about God, but God knows all about him. He knows when the atheist sits down, and when he stands up. He sees his coming out and his going in. He knows this thoughts, and He even sees him in the darkness, as though it was pure light. Check out Psalm 139 for details.Before my conversion, such thoughts gave me the creeps. But after my conversion I understood why. I was like a criminal who hears that he has been under police surveillance for years. His every word has been secretly recorded, and his every unlawful deed captured on video. The law has been watching his crimes and it has built up its wrath. Such thoughts are not pleasant for any criminal, and that's why any thought of God (His omniscience and moral accountability) are not at all comfortable for guilty sinners. Thus the denial of His existence. There are lots of guilty heads in the sand of atheism. However, now that my sins are forgiven and have I equity with God's Law, I am no longer a criminal on the run. I have been acquitted though faith in Jesus. I can face that Law on Judgment Day (a Law that equates lust with adultery and hatred with murder) without the slightest guilt or fear. How about you?

The Difference Between a Dummy and an Atheist

Someone gave me a dummy recently, which I put in the corner of my office. Almost everyone who enters my office is taken aback (EDIT} by his presence. He has eyes, ears, hands, feet, and a head. He looks like a human being. So what's the difference between Ernie and the average atheist? Ernie doesn't have a brain, he can't speak, and doesn't have consciousness. He's not flesh and blood. He doesn't have a soul.I recently interviewed a professor of biological evolution at UCLA. Even though we clashed philosophically, he conceded on the point of the existence of the soul. The thing that made him change his mind was the knowledge that in the Bible, the word "soul" and the word "life" are synonymous. He said that if that was the case, he believed that man has a soul. Everyone has a soul. It is the soul of man that makes the brain work. If someone dies (the soul leaves the body) the brain no longer works. It is your life that looks out of your eyes; it's your life that speaks through your mouth, and it's your soul that is reading and analyzing these words. However, man is more than just a soul. He lives in an incredible machine of working and moving parts--his amazing eyes, to his hands, and his brain. His beating heart pushes oxygen-enriched blood (that was being pulled in by his lungs) around his body and gives life to his flesh. We certainly are "fearfully and wonderfully made." But man is more than a body and soul. He has something the Bible calls a "spirit." The body is his machine, and the soul is the power that moves the machine, but the spirit is the part of him that makes him conscious of his Creator. It is because his spirit is "dead in trespasses and sins" that he doesn't know God. Every testimony from every atheist confirms that bibical truth. He knows of His existence because of creation and his conscience, but he doesn't know Him experientially until his spirit comes alive through the new birth of John chapter 3. Without the new birth, you will die in your sins and lose your soul. You will lose your very life, your most precious possession. So prove that you are more than a dummy. Use your God-given brain and obey the gospel, so that you will be saved from death and Hell, and find everlasting life that is alone in Jesus Christ.

You May Have Your Doubts...

"This is the second time I've asked this question and no answer. Even Name can't tell me why John the Baptist recognized Jesus as messiah when he baptized him and later had to send two of his disciples to ask Jesus if he was the messiah." MilocatMany have surmised that John was having doubts. It does seem that way, but it's hard to reconcile with the fact that when he first saw Jesus, he knew exactly who He was. He said, "Behold, the lamb of God which takes away the sin of the world" (John 1:29, 36). When Jesus was baptized, the heavens were opened, John saw the Spirit of God descending upon Jesus like a dove, and he heard a voice from Heaven, saying, "This is my beloved Son, in whom I am well pleased" (Matthew 3:15-17). However, two years of languishing in prison may have made John wonder about what he had seen and heard. If Jesus was the Messiah and He was doing miracles as John had heard that He was, why didn't He get him out of prison? Perhaps his question was really, "Have you forgotten about me?" We know from Scripture that God didn't deliver John the Baptist from prison. Instead, He allowed him to be murdered. Yet he wasn't forgotten. Death doesn't separate us from God. It takes us into into His immediate presence.However, those who have experienced the new birth (which began on the Day of Pentecost--see Acts 2) have a great advantage over John. They aren't reliant on mere visions or voices. I'm a Christian because God transformed me through the new birth of John chapter 3. He made me a new person overnight, opened my understanding, took me out of darkness into light, gave me His Holy Spirit, forgave my sins, and granted me everlasting life. The first time I was born, it was dramatic in the truest sense of the word. I didn't exist, and then in just nine months I was birthed as a screaming, eating, sleeping, breathing, seeing, human being. The second time I was born, it was just as radical. You may doubt that, but it's something I can never doubt, even if I wanted to.

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