Why Does the FBI Set up American Citizens and Frame Them in Criminal Plots? Worldview Report Transcript April 18, 2022

Good evening everyone and welcome to the Worldview Report. I’m Brannon Howse and I’m glad you could join us.

Starting us off tonight:

Why does the FBI set up American citizens and frame them in criminal plots?

Two of the most flagrant and recent examples were the Michigan plot to kidnap Governor Gretchen Whitmer right before the 2020 presidential election, followed shortly afterward by the infiltration of the January 6 protest.

Filmmaker Dinesh De Souza says he knows why and explains himself in this recent video. Some of it obviously has to do with money and keeping their budgets perpetually increasing, but there’s also an ideological motive. You don’t see them setting up progressive radical Marxists.

Take a look at what Dinesh De Souza has to say about this.



Interesting how you hear so much about “defund the police” from Democrats but you never hear them ever suggest that maybe we should cut the budget of the FBI, which is the national police. Defund the local police but increase funding for the national police. That should not come as a surprise from radical authoritarian progressive Democrats who have for years wanted to turn America into a police state.


Mortgage rates hit 5% this week, the highest level since February 2011, continuing a stunning ascent since the start of 2022.

Yahoo Finance reports that the rate on the 30-year fixed mortgage jumped more than a quarter-point in a week from 4.72% last week, according to Freddie Mac. In the last five weeks alone, the rate has climbed 1.24 percentage points and is 1.89 points higher than at the end of last year.

The rapid rise in rates exacerbates an already ugly affordability crisis for homebuyers as the traditional buying season gets underway, while shutting out most homeowners from refinancing into a lower rate.

“As Americans contend with historically high inflation, the combination of rising mortgage rates, elevated home prices and tight inventory are making the pursuit of home ownership the most expensive in a generation,” said Sam Khater, Freddie Mac’s chief economist.


Breitbart reports that hundreds of concerned parents and activists converged on Disneyland in Anaheim, California, Wednesday evening to protest the Walt Disney Co.’s woke agenda that includes targeting children with radical gay and transgender ideology.

Their demands included a consumer boycott of Disney and an end to the left’s sexual indoctrination of young children.

The peaceful protest was organized by Hold the Line headed by Sean Feucht, the Christian activist group that spearheaded last week’s demonstration at Disney corporate headquarters in Burbank. On Wednesday, they were joined by members of Turning Point USA, the conservative non-profit headed by Charlie Kirk.



That protest follows one last week at Disney World in Orlando.


44-year-old professional bodybuilder Cedric McMillan died of a heart attack while working out on a treadmill.

The former Arnold Classic champion's death was confirmed on April 13th by Generation Iron.

McMillan recently spoke out about a near-death experience in December 2021, saying he had been experiencing breathing issues after having Covid-19, according to The Sun.

The breathing issue eventually saw him hospitalized for pneumonia and put on life support, and he later said of the ordeal, "I was almost dead."

McMillan's death also comes months after bodybuilder Shawn Rhoden's death in November. Rhoden died after a heart attack.

Nearly 800 young, super-fit athletes have died or suffered cardiac arrest and collapsed over the past year, most of them having been injected with the Covid gene-therapy regimen.


This next story is certainly a sign of the times.

In Los Angeles, violent gangs are following wealthy residents home and then robbing them at gunpoint.

This is being reported in the mainstream news, Yahoo News to be specific, which reports:

“More than a dozen Los Angeles gangs are targeting some of the city's wealthiest residents in a new and aggressive manner, sending out crews in multiple cars to find, follow and rob people driving high-end vehicles or wearing expensive jewelry, according to police.

“In many cases, they're making off with designer handbags, diamond-studded watches and other items worth tens of thousands of dollars — if not more — and then peddling them to black-market buyers who are willing to turn a blind eye to the underlying violence,” police said.

In some cases, suspects have been arrested but then released from custody, according to police, only to commit additional robberies.

Apparently, these types of crimes have become so common in L.A. that police have set up a task force and have labeled these as “follow home” or “follow off” robberies, so called because victims are robbed soon after leaving luxury shops and hotels, ritzy restaurants, trendy nightclubs and other locations where the gangs are scouting for targets.

According to Capt. Jonathan Tippet, who spearheads the police task force, they have identified at least 17 gangs that are involved, most based out of South L.A. and operating independently. He said there were 165 such robberies in 2021 and already 56 so far this year, including several over the weekend.


There seems to be an all-out bidding war going on for Twitter. Elon Musk made a play for the company and now the Daily Wire is reporting that another party has emerged who is trying to ward off Musk’s takeover attempt and keep the social media platform from undergoing any substantial changes as a tool of deep state propaganda.

According to the Daily Wire, the globalist Vanguard Group is riding to the rescue to protect Twitter from Elon Musk.

The Daily Wire cited a Wall Street Journal article as follows:

“Asset manager Vanguard Group recently upped its stake in the social-media platform and is now the company’s largest shareholder, bumping Mr. Musk out of the top spot. Vanguard disclosed on April 8 that it now owns 82.4 million shares of Twitter, or 10.3% of the company, according to the most recent publicly available filings with the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission.”

82.4 million shares at today’s price would amount to a $43 billion stock purchase by Vanguard, which is the second largest global asset management firm after BlackRock.

Musk gave a TED Talk Thursday in which he addressed his attempts to buy Twitter and whether they could be thwarted.

“If in this case you are not successful in that the board does not accept your offer, you’ve said you won’t go higher, is there a plan B?” Musk was asked.

“There is,” Musk responded while smiling.

When asked what his backup plan is, Musk said he would discuss that at another time.

Take a look at this exchange.




The school board in Loudoun County, Virginia, whose transgender policy allowed a boy in a skirt to assault a girl in the girl’s bathroom, then transferred the boy to another school where he assaulted another girl, is now under investigation by a grand jury.

The Washington Examiner confirmed the focus of the investigation into school board members is their "handling of a sexual assault case last year."

Officials in the district reportedly hid the facts about the assault from parents and the public.

But now the board is promising to cooperate with "lawful requests" from the grand jury, which can, in fact, subpoena testimony and put witnesses under oath.



The development has come a year after the board first was notified of a sexual assault, by a male student presenting himself as a female, of a female in the girls’ restroom at Stone Bridge High in Ashburn.

Instead of explaining what happened and adjusting its policy accordingly, school officials told the public there were no incidents that were connected to the district's new transgender policy of allowing students to define what sex they are.

And after they lied about what happened, they simply moved the predatory student to another school, where a second assault occurred.

Now, it looks like they will have to answer for their decisions. It’s about time.


Well, the propaganda seems to be working.

What am I talking about?

Climate change.

A recent poll of 1,500 Gen Zers found that 84% of teenagers believe in man-made climate change. And boy are they worried. Scared half to death.

Julia Majors, public relations manager for the national council of 4-H, a nationwide youth development organization, said:

“Climate change is something that’s very top of mind for teens. Of course, that is a sad finding to hear,” adding that youth often feel the burden is on them to fix the world, if not for themselves then for the future of humanity.

She added that, “It’s unfortunate that [climate change] is a very serious issue that our kids have to be focused on.”

The survey was conducted on behalf of 4-H by The Harris Poll, an American marketing and analytics company.


Ben Norton reports in an article for Global Research that The Washington Post has openly admitted that some NATO member states want “Ukrainians to keep fighting, and dying” in order to prevent Russia from making political gains.

In an April 5 report on peace talks between Ukraine and Russia, The Washington Post revealed that NATO is afraid that Kyiv may give in to some of Moscow’s demands.

The Washington Post wrote: “For some in NATO, it’s better for the Ukrainians to keep fighting, and dying than to achieve a peace that comes too early or at too high a cost to Kyiv and the rest of Europe.”

Norton reports that anonymous Western diplomats are quoted in the Post article. One told the Post that “there are limits to how many compromises some in NATO will support to win the peace,” and that they would rather prolong the war in Ukraine if they can prevent Russia from having its security concerns met.

The Post further stated that NATO members are determined not to give “Russian President Vladimir Putin any semblance of victory.”

If that means more Ukrainians have to be sacrificed, then so be it.

Norton writes:

“U.S. National Security Advisor Jake Sullivan noted that the administration of Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky is closely coordinating with Washington, and is in ‘near-daily contact’ with the White House. It is evident who is really in charge.”

Norton points out that The Washington Post has a close relationship with the U.S. government. The newspaper is owned by billionaire Jeff Bezos, the founder and executive chairman of Amazon, “which has tens of billions of dollars worth of contracts with the CIAPentagonNSAFBIICE, and other U.S. government agencies.

Norton concludes that, “If The Washington Post is disclosing this information about NATO, with quotes from senior White House officials, it clearly got the green light from its handlers in Washington.

“This report is a semi-official confirmation that NATO sees Ukrainians as mere cannon fodder in its imperial proxy war on Russia.”


The Gateway Pundit reports that El Shafee Elsheikh, a member of the infamous “Jihadi Beatles,” who assisted in the kidnap and murder of American citizens James Foley, Steven Sotloff, and Peter Kassig has been convicted on eight counts of hostage-taking and murder in Virginia on Thursday.

Elsheikh, 33, was a member of the ISIS beheading squad that released gruesome propaganda videos featuring “Jihadi John,” the group’s leader who tortured and slowly decapitated his Western victims. He is the last of the terrorists to face justice.

Regrettably, this jihadist will escape the death penalty, thanks to a deal struck between former Attorney General William Barr and the United Kingdom after the British said they would not cooperate with the prosecution unless the death penalty was taken off the table.


The Los Angeles City Council unanimously approved a motion on April 12 to support Assembly Bill 3121, California state legislation that created a task force to study and develop a plan to pay financial reparations to black Americans, the Epoch Times reports.

The program would be the first of its kind in the United States.

According to the text of the bill, known as the “Task Force to Study and Develop Reparation Proposals for African Americans,” which was passed in 2020 and established the group to “identify, compile, and synthesize the relevant corpus of evidentiary documentation of the institution of slavery that existed within the United States and the colonies that became the United States from 1619 to 1865.”

Last month, the task force voted to support reparations only for black Californians who can prove they are direct descendants of slaves.

The task force is required to submit its written recommendations and findings to the legislature. The first such report is slated to be released in June, which will be part one of a two-part report looking at issues such as racism in banking, discrimination in technology, homelessness, and gentrification.

UC Berkeley professor and task force member Dr. Jovan Scott Lewis told ABC10, “We aren’t just talking about this period of, you know, formal enslavement centuries ago; we’re talking about the price that African Americans continue to pay for the progress of our nation.

“African Americans have actually faced the consequences and have paid the cost for California’s progress.”

One public commenter who wrote in to the city council meeting said: “Last I checked, I nor my family ever owned slaves. And no one I know was ever a slave. Reparations are a knee-jerk action to assuage your privilege, NOT mine.”


Time now for our Worldview Report nightly commentary.

Dr. Fauci went on MSNBC on Thursday to discuss China’s brutal lockdowns in Shanghai.

Fauci praised Communist China’s COVID pandemic strategy and revealed the true reason for lockdowns — to get everyone injected with continuous gene-therapy treatments masquerading as vaccines.

Take a listen to what the mad scientist had to say.



He’s now all but admitting that lockdowns don’t work. They’re just a tool used to get people vaccinated with a vaccine that doesn’t work. That’s actually being too gracious.

It would be bad enough if they just didn’t work.

But these shots are making people sick. They are causing permanent injuries and killing tens of thousands of others. It’s all in the data. Fauci won’t tell you about it but it’s there, hiding in plain sight. The media won’t tell you. But it’s all in the data. You just have to look for it.

Why, for instance, did Pfizer admit to the FDA that it had to hire 2,400 additional staff in February 2021 to handle all of the claims of adverse reactions to its vaccine?

Why are hundreds of young, super-fit athletes collapsing on the fields, on the courts and in the fitness gyms weeks and months after they’ve been “fully vaccinated?”

And yet criminals like Dr. Fauci and others inside and outside of the government who knew this, keep telling us the vaccines are “safe and effective.” We just heard Fauci boasting in the MSNBC interview that  China’s vaccines are not as effective as what we have in the U.S. and U.K.

Is that why almost everyone coming down with Covid right now in the United States is vaccinated?

Is that why the vaccinated continue to spread sickness to the unvaccinated?

Everything that was originally said about this so-called vaccine had turned out to be a lie and Fauci knows it. Yet he continues to tout the vaccines as the be all and the end all to fight Covid.

This man has no credibility.

As Dr. McCullough recently stated, there’s something going on here and it’s way bigger than Covid-19.

Listen to him.



As Dr. Joseph Mercola stated in an article for the Children’s Health Defense Fund:

“We’ve gone from “two mRNA jabs will ensure you won’t carry the virus or get sick or die of COVID” to “you need a booster every four months and you can still contract, transmit, get sick and die of COVID.” At this rate, we’re looking at three injections per year, and the fully-jabbed and boosted are still getting sick with COVID.”

From a strictly business perspective, it’s a brilliant strategy. Release a virus, tell them you have the miracle cure. And then when that cure doesn’t work tell them they just need another dose, and another, and another.

But what’s going on is even bigger than a brilliant money-making scheme. Pay attention to how your life has changed and how those changes are never quite enough to satisfy those at the top, those at the World Economic Forum, the big banks, the big corporations, the wealthiest family foundations with names like Ford, Rockefeller, Soros and Gates.

It's time we started asking ourselves, why do we obey them? Have any of these changes improved our lives or that of our children or grandchildren?

That’s our broadcast of the Worldview Report for tonight. We hope you will join us again tomorrow night at this same time. Good night and God bless.


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WVW Broadcast Network



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