This World's Philosophy

This World's Philosophy – Ray Comfort<?xml:namespace prefix = o ns = "urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:office" />

Comfort Food After watching a very sharp friend cross swords with two secular guests on his TV program, my convictions deepened that we must be careful of the amount of time we expend trying to change minds when it comes to moral issues. We may get this world to concede on one or two issues, but there are many others to which they will cling for dear life. They are entrenched in what the Bible calls the "vain philosophy" of this world. This is a deep and dark ditch leading to death, over the sides of which they cannot see until they are lifted up by the grace of God. Our agenda therefore should be to see hearts changed through the power of the gospel. That is the axe which kills the root and sparks new life through the new birth. It is then that a new worldview will follow like the carriages behind a train--there is a new heart and a renewed mind, because the sinner is now a new creature in Christ (see 2 Corinthians 5:17). DessertCopycats Copy Cats
You have no doubt seen reflectors on roads at night. If you have ever driven in the country where at times there are no street lights, you will no doubt see that they are a life-saver. They show you where the road goes because they, like cats eyes, reflect light from your car's headlights….Percy Shaw, from Boothtown, Halifax, West Yorkshire, England, was the inventor of cat's eyes. He realized that, when the tram-lines were removed in a close neighborhood, he was actually using their shiny steel to navigate. He named his invention cat's eyes, because, he got the inspiration from the eye shine reflecting from the eyes of a cat…. (From, Theft! The Stealing of God's Design-Master books-publishing date April 2012)"Wisdom is the right use of knowledge. To know is not to be wise. Many men know a great deal, and are all the greater fools for it. There is no fool so great a fool as a knowing fool. But to know how to use knowledge is to have wisdom." ¯ Charles H. Spurgeon
Spotting a Liar - Ray Comfort
Comfort Food Whenever someone makes me a promise, I think of Psalm 15. I suspect that the promise is a tell-tale that they person is probably a liar, and I'm usually right. Both Jesus and James tell us that we shouldn't back up our word with an oath. This is because it reveals that our word isn't enough. When a Christian says he will do something, it doesn't need anything else to back it up. Psalm 15 says that a godly person will keep his word whatever the cost. The entire Psalm describes the godly character. He lives in honesty, practices righteousness, and it all begins in the heart. He doesn't gossip about or despise anyone, but honors those that fear the Lord. Neither is he greedy of gain. Those who do such things will never be moved...not even by death. They are preserved by God because He has done a work in their heart, and living the Psalm 15 life is evidence of salvation.Dessert: Copying the Grub to Make the Chainsaw
"The chain of the chain saw was invented in 1943 by Joseph Cox, who was a machinist working as a logger. At the time, despite the invention of various motorized saws, long (up to five meters), human-powered, cross-cut saws still dominated commercial logging. Cox examined the way the mandibles – the side-to-side jaws – of the grub of a timber-mining beetle cut tunnels through fresh wood. He then devised cutters, as in Figure 8, based on those mandibles..."1. (From, Theft! The Stealing of God's Design-Master books-publishing date April 2012) "By perseverance the snail reached the ark." ¯ Charles H. SpurgeonNotes: 1. Budde, R., Phys. World, 1995, 8, 22.


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