Worldviewpedia is Your Digital Worldview Encyclopedia For 
Defending and Proclaiming a Biblical Worldview

Test drive the power and vast resources of this Biblical worldview software now by typing in a topic or name into the search box. is your trusted source for Biblical worldview teaching, research, analysis, commentary, history, and reporting.

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Look at what these respected Bible teachers are saying about this new Biblical worldview software program that you can access on your computer, iPad, or smartphone right now:

Justin Peters:

What a tremendous resource Worldviewpedia is! Brannon has archived voluminous amounts of material related to the church, theology, sound doctrine, aberrant doctrine, false teachers, current worldview issues, and the confluence thereof. One may read transcripts, listen to audio clips, and watch videos. There truly is a staggering amount of information all of which is easily accessible with the search engine and click of a mouse. If Worldviewpedia was all that there was in the Situation Room, it alone would make membership a tremendous value. This will be a tremendous tool to the layman and minister alike.


Mike Abendroth:

I cannot tell you how helpful Worldviewpedia is! Brannon has taken online Bible study to a new level with print, video, audio and links galore. This is for every Berean that wants to dive deeply in Scripture. The "search" bar makes it simple to study any Biblical topic or trending heresy.


Mike Gendron:

Worldviewpedia is an amazing and useful library that gives its members quick access to all the news trends and doctrinal issues facing the church today. I was fascinated at how comprehensive the library is and how quick and easy all the information could be accessed in both video and audio formats along with text and transcripts. Brannon Howse has really outdone himself in providing a state of the art engine for quick access to valuable information and research. I look forward to using Worldviewpedia to help me gain more information and understanding in the rapidly changing world in which we live.


Jared Carlson:

Worldviewpedia is a great site! We all have questions and often times finding the answers can be so discouraging or time-consuming. In one convenient location you will find all that you're looking for in regards to theology, apologetics and other culturally relevant issues. I recommend this as one of your primary go-to resources!


Susan Heck:

Sites like Amazon have done well because you only have to shop on one site and can make your purchase with one click. What Amazon is to the average shopper, Worldviewpedia will be for the believer who wants to do research at one site. The more I “tested” the search mode, the more I was surprised that there was something available on every topic I searched. Brannon is to be commended for his hard work on Worldviewpedia. It will be an added resource to every believer who wants to be kept abreast of what is happening in the world today, and especially from a Christian world view. Thanks Brannon!


And here is what a current Situation Room member says:

I just didn’t see it coming. Already thought I had everything I needed with the Situation Room’s amazing resources. I didn’t think it could be improved at all, and then… Worldviewpedia. Really? Unbelievable! Embedded videos, embedded audio clips, scripture pop-ups, and more, all combined with a powerful search engine that instantly sifts through a massive database brimming with crucial information on every topic under the sun. Why would anyone go anywhere else? To be honest, the price of the membership is really too low for what is provided, but I know Brannon is trying to provide the best Biblical, worldview resources at a price point every family can afford. Thanks, Brannon.

Jill Cox
Situation Room Member 


The truth of reckless false teaching is finally exposed, complete with audio and video clips that document what we are reporting. We've spent thousands of hours over several years collecting irrefutable evidence of false teaching and then writing a detailed and specific Biblical response from the truth of God's Word. 

We have also spent years writing and producing resources that assist you in developing a comprehensive, Biblically-sound theological worldview. Worldviewpedia is the fruit of more than 10 years of work so that you can defend and proclaim a Biblical worldview. This is the resource you will turn to on a daily basis on your computer, smart phone, or tablet for Biblical answers to tough questions, sound Biblical research, and inductive Bible study.


You can test drive the search engine of Worldviewpedia now by click here: 



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