Ask Dr. John #18
Originally AIRED OCTOBER 28, 2014
Guest: Dr. John Whitcomb joins us for Ask Dr. John. Question: Is it true that no one who perished in the Genesis Flood will go to heaven? Question: Was everybody a pagan before the formation of the Jewish nation through Abraham? Question: If a professing believer commits suicide, will he or she still go to heaven? Question: In the rapture, when children are taken up, does that include babies in the womb? Question: Do demons automatically leave a person who becomes a Christian? Do demons cause diseases, such as cancer? Question: Did the Jews not believe in a triune God? I realize they do not accept Jesus as the Messiah but they still await the Messiah. There are clearly verses in the Old Testament that also talk about the Spirit of God. Question: What systematic theology books do you recommend? Question: How do you view the state of dispensational theology? Question: What are the most important things to know about the Reformation? Question: What kinds of ministries will bear the most fruit in these troublesome times in which we live? Topic: We take your calls.