Ask Dr. John (Program #11)

Original Air Date: AUGUST 13, 2013

Ask Dr. John. Dr. John Whitcomb is our guest today to answer your questions. Question: I understand that Old Testament saints were declared righteous on the basis of faith. My question is, is it technically correct to call them "born again" as we call New Testament saints? Or should that technically be applied only to future Jewish believers who will enter into the New Covenant promises? Question: Please explain how “David inquired of the Lord" in 2 Sam. 5:19 (NKJV), since this was before the ark was carried to Jerusalem. How were David (and other Bible characters) able to speak directly to God and get answers? Question: I would like your thoughts on three verses in the gospel of John: 10:27; 14:18; and 21:25. Question: Who was the prophet Agabus in Acts 11:28 and 21:10-11? Was he an apostle? Question: Our Sunday school teacher stated that all the aborted children will be gathered for judgment in the millennial kingdom. Is this correct? Question: If the Lord tarries, what long-term trends do you see happening in America in light of Bible prophecy? Question: Are Satan and his fallen angels more intelligent than we are? Question: What impact can being under false teaching or psychology have on a person? We take your calls.

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