Brannon Howse: September 6, 2018

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(Part 2) The proof Senator Joseph McCarthy was Right About Communist Infiltration at the Highest Levels of Government and Media (Part 2). McCarthyism has become a pejorative to mock anyone that speaks truth that is not popular about socialism, Communism, or the progressive agenda. Yet, Senator McCarthy’s warnings in the 1950s were confirmed to be true in 1995 when the government released the details of a secret government project known as the Venona Project that was in operation from 1943 to 1980. The Venona Project intercepted coded Soviet communications to their spies that were found to be at the highest levels of the American government including in the White House. Topic: The Central Intelligence Agency infiltrates the National Student Association in Madison, Wisconsin and uncovered a Marxist funded coalition that sought to utilize students for a revolution. Just as McCarthy was mocked for warning of communist infiltration within government, many today mock those of us that warn that progressives and globalist have infiltrated evangelicalism and are making headway even within the Calvinist and reformed movement.  Sadly, well-known ministries have leadership that consists of useful idiots that refuse to see or do not have the common sense to see the role they are playing in advancing the progressive agenda. Topic: We take your calls.

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