Carl Teichrib: February 10, 2014
If oneness or one-ism is the underlying worldview of the New Age Movement - that Nature, Man, and God are One - how does this then shape the New Age notion of what government should become? In this broadcast of Forcing Change Radio, Carl provides evidence from the writings of New Age thinkers and leaders who tell what governments and nations must move toward if the world is to be 'One.' As former United Nations official Robert Muller once wrote, "Someday our planet will be a world spiritual democracy." This broadcast is based, in large part, on Volume 2, Issue 10 of Forcing Change magazine. If you have a subscription/membership, go into the archives and download this edition. You'll find it to be a helpful resource to better understand the New Age worldview and its ideas on government. Here's an example of what else is in Volume 2, Issue 10 that was NOT talked about in the broadcast; How to handle the Christian responsibility of presenting a Biblical alternative, and the political/spiritual implication that underscores the idea of oneness. Consider this quote by Carl, and the seriousness of the thought being expressed. " this notion of world government acts in-kind to the idea of Self-God. Simply put; if Man is God, as taught in the New Age, then 'World Government' represents the greatest organized expression of 'God on Earth.' After all, a centralized global system would be, by its nature, the overriding manager of human activity on the planet. In this respect, 'Government Equals God'. The implications are staggering "