Multinational Corporations (MNC) and their destruction of America goes hand in hand with the Federal Reserve, CFR and the Trilateral Commission. The MNC is the tool that the elites are using to foist their will on America via cheap labor, destruction of morals and the elimination of borders. Join us as continue to review the book by Dr. James W. Warder titled "The Planned Destruction of America". We will unveil the role that the MNC's are playing in the Planned Destruction of America.
Clint Clements: February 12, 2019
Multinational Corporations (MNC) and their destruction of America goes hand in hand with the Federal Reserve, CFR and the Trilateral Commission. The MNC is the tool that the elites are using to foist their will on America via cheap labor, destruction of morals and the elimination of borders. Join us as continue to review the book by Dr. James W. Warder titled "The Planned Destruction of America". We will unveil the role that the MNC's are playing in the Planned Destruction of America.