Crosstalk: February 2, 2015

This news round-up program had Vic Eliason bringing the following stories to the attention of Crosstalk listeners: --Alabama Chief Justice Roy Moore has issued a strongly worded letter to the governor urging him to fight back against last week's federal court ruling overturning the state's marriage protection laws that defines marriage as a union between one man and one women. --Alabama's only openly gay lawmaker says that if her colleagues don't stop describing same-sex marriage as immoral, she will publicly “out” her heterosexual colleagues because she claims some of them are having extramarital affairs. --Author Pamela Geller wonders why the media is not calling out President Obama for the treachery of exchanging senior Taliban leadership in exchange for deserter Bowe Bergdahl. --White House pressuring the Army to let Bowe Bergdahl go free. --Recordings of top Pentagon officials in 2011 strongly criticize Hillary Clinton for leading a State Department march to war against dictator Muammar Gaddafi of Libya and for working with the Muslim Brotherhood. They confirm the conclusions of the Citizens Commission on Benghazi. --Mitt Romney gives official announcement that he will not run for president. --Secretary of State John Kerry has planned a trip to Moscow to discuss the ongoing Ukraine crisis. --War survival manuals dispersed to Lithuanian schools.

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