Jimmy DeYoung: August 29, 2019

Today on PTIB Jimmy DeYoung is going to have a conversation with Winkie Medad on the subject of "BDS". Jimmy and Winkie will discuss its meaning; how it got started; how this phenomena is spreading across the world on colleges campuses, churches and national governments in our world. This is a way of going after the State of Israel, with a method of trying to defeat the Jewish State, and at the same time encouraging the world to use this method in their distaste for the nation and the Jewish people. God has a plan for the Jews, in the future, and BDS will not hinder God of having His plan being fulfilled. By the way, the two female members of the US Congress, Omar and Talieb, were planning to use this method on their visit to Israel, which was stopped by the Israeli Prime Minister. Winkie believes that Israel was justified to make the decision to ban these ladies from entering Israel. 

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