Jimmy DeYoung: July 11, 2019

The US Ambassador to Israel, David Friedman, made a statement at the Fourth of July celebration in Jerusalem that has the interest of many Israeli's, "This year in Jerusalem". If you don't understand what that means in the Jewish World, it is the phrase that is given at the end of each Passover Seder, but is said this way, "Next year in Jerusalem" , and it is the spoken prayer of the Jewish People asking the Lord to give them the Temple in Jerusalem, this next year. It seems as if the US Ambassador was asking for the Temple to be rebuilt in Jerusalem, this year. On PTIB today Jimmy DeYoung and Winkie Medad will discuss what the Ambassador said, and what he meant; how all preparations are ready for the next Temple; how the Palestinians are building on Jewish real estate; and the Israeli discovery of the Pilgrim's Road from the City of David to the Temple Mount.

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