Jimmy DeYoung: September 25, 2018

This is the Feast of Tabernacles, the seventh and last of the seven Jewish Feast Holy-days. During these seven days the Jewish people build a "succa", a thatched hut like the Jews lived in during their 40 years of traveling in the wilderness. Today the Jewish people live in this "succa" as a time to remember that events 3,500 years ago. It is also the time, in the future, when Jesus will receive His Kingdom from God the Father, and rule and reign in the Kingdom to come, forever. On this edition of PTIB Jimmy DeYoung will discuss with Winkie Medad, his reflections on his experience during Yom Kippur; the 1973 Yom Kippur War;  the building of his succa; and what he and his family will do during the seven-day Feast of Tabernacles.





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