What is the true definition of fascism? In this weeks boralogue, John looks at different events in the West today and shows that fascism is rearing its ugly head again. Its not, as many will have you believe, the attitude of anyone disagreeing with politically correct views. Fascism is agreeing that utilitarian state views should trump the religious principles of its people. Weve been here before and it didnt end well. What would you do if you uncovered corruption and terrorism at your job? Sibel Edmonds (www.boilingfrogspost.com), Founder and President of the National Security Whistleblowers Association, describes her dismissal from the FBI and subsequent harassment after uncovering security breaches and cover-ups at higher levels. She discusses false flag terror events, the military industrial complex, and an operation code-named Gladio. Those with autism or Aspergers syndrome are often misunderstood. We welcome Janet Lintala (www.loveautismhealth.com), Founder of Autism Health!, who shares her journey as a parent and her work with non-prescriptive solutions to help those on the spectrum. Johns quote of the week: The real issue most concerning is the one that most people dont want to address the idea that a utilitarian will of an all-powerful state trumps the religious and moral consciences of the people of that state. This is truly dangerous territory. As always, join us online for our Section 6 intelligence briefing featuring analysis by John on important stories highlighting emerging geopolitical trends around the world.
John Loeffler: April 18, 2016
What is the true definition of fascism? In this weeks boralogue, John looks at different events in the West today and shows that fascism is rearing its ugly head again. Its not, as many will have you believe, the attitude of anyone disagreeing with politically correct views. Fascism is agreeing that utilitarian state views should trump the religious principles of its people. Weve been here before and it didnt end well. What would you do if you uncovered corruption and terrorism at your job? Sibel Edmonds (www.boilingfrogspost.com), Founder and President of the National Security Whistleblowers Association, describes her dismissal from the FBI and subsequent harassment after uncovering security breaches and cover-ups at higher levels. She discusses false flag terror events, the military industrial complex, and an operation code-named Gladio. Those with autism or Aspergers syndrome are often misunderstood. We welcome Janet Lintala (www.loveautismhealth.com), Founder of Autism Health!, who shares her journey as a parent and her work with non-prescriptive solutions to help those on the spectrum. Johns quote of the week: The real issue most concerning is the one that most people dont want to address the idea that a utilitarian will of an all-powerful state trumps the religious and moral consciences of the people of that state. This is truly dangerous territory. As always, join us online for our Section 6 intelligence briefing featuring analysis by John on important stories highlighting emerging geopolitical trends around the world.