John Loeffler: April 6, 2020

Closing down churches in a time of pandemic: is it prudent or is it a violation of rights?  In this week’s boralogue, John gives his thoughts on the question, using Biblical references to prove his point.  It’s important to adhere to the Constitution when it comes to our rights, but do we have an obligation to temporarily suspend that for the betterment of society?


Weighing in on the legal side of the question is Jenna Ellis (, constitutional law attorney and legal advisor to the 2020 Trump campaign.  She looks at whether state governments are making these declarations in a time of emergency by the least restrictive means.


We turn to the nation of Israel and its now finally unified government.  Joining us from Jerusalem is Jonathan Spyer (, Founder and Executive Director of the Middle East Center for Reporting and Analysis.  He discusses how the Knesset works, the indictments against Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, and how the coronavirus is affecting the country.


John then gives a succinct timeline of how the Trump administration has handled the coronavirus crisis versus what the liberal establishment was doing at the same time.


We then return to the topic of temporary infringement of rights with John O’Connor (, Attorney and Owner of O’Connor & Associates who analyzes the historical precedents for suspending the Constitution in times of emergency and goes into the history of the media’s lies over the past several years.


John’s quote of the week:    

On Covid-19 testing: "The government said do what you need to do, we’ll be here to support you but we’re not going to block you.  That was a critical move.  Getting rid of a bureaucracy is significant.  A bureaucracy is a large lumbering organization.  You have to get rid of it in order to get action.”


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