John Loeffler: August 26, 2019

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It may seem as if the world has gone crazy as we witness behaviors that leave us scratching our heads.  In this week's extended boralogue, John makes sense of all the outrage, virtue signaling, cognitive dissonance, and logical inconsistencies we see on almost a daily basis.  At one time, we thought that if we would just kowtow to the mob, they would go away.  The problem was – they didn't.  But people are fighting back, especially now that they know why it's happening.


We begin our look at how language affects culture with Trevor Loudon (, Editor-in-Chief of the New Zeal blog, who discusses how the Democratic Socialists of America are attempting to change America's core values by infiltrating churches.  Ideas like critical race theory, a socialist Jesus, and full-on Marxism have started showing up in the sanctuary.


Next we chat with Salih Hudayar (, Ambassador to the U.S. for the East Turkistan Government in Exile.  He looks at real concentration camps in China (not at our southern border) as well as organ harvesting, persecution of religious minorities, and the status of Turkistan in China.


We wrap up our look at language and culture this week by diving into the current red flag law debate.  Brian Joondeph (, Surgeon at Colorado Retina Associates, is back with us to examine the constitutionality of red flag laws and the inevitable absence of due process that it brings.


John’s quote of the week:    

"When you're dealing with a social justice warrior in your job or any other area, remember their one goal is that you will comply or you will be destroyed…in the name of tolerance, inclusion, and diversity of course."


Follow us on Twitter @steelonsteelpro as well as the Steel on Steel Facebook page and remember to join Praying for Persecuted Christians for the latest information concerning persecuted Christians around the world. Don’t forget to stop by our YouTube channel as well for our latest videos.


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Steel on Steel, hosted by John Loeffler, offers weekly Christian-perspective news analysis and worldview apologetics; connecting the dots within geopolitics, economics, religion and education. This "Short Show" is just a small part of our comprehensive 2+ hour weekly program. Join us at for this, and much more!


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