John Loeffler: August 3, 2015

Each and every one of us has the potential to influence the world for good. John gives us two examples of individuals in this week’s boralogue who decided to step out in faith and help those in need. The first, George Weidenfeld, escaped the Nazis during WWII when brave Christians spirited him away from danger. Today, at the age of 95, George is still repaying that generosity by helping persecuted Christians in the Middle East escape violent Islamism. And Katherine Locke, a retired nurse in her 70s, helped Kurdish Christians in Iraq during the time of Saddam Hussein. We can make a difference. What will our influence be? A Pakistani Christian, who we’ll name Pastor X, has fled his home with his family to another country. Authorities in that country are threatening to deport them back to Pakistan where being a Christian is a dangerous way of life. John has begun raising funds to help this family complete citizenship paperwork and avoid persecution. If you would like to help, go to our homepage ( and click on the link to support Pastor X. Throughout WWII and the Cold War, the Soviet Union activated several journalists as spies. Matthew Vadum (, Senior Editor at the Capital Research Center, shows that journalists made excellent spies due to their high-level contacts in business and government, and their ability to influence those decision makers. Today, the media have evolved into activist journalists who think of themselves as correspondents of the world with no loyalty to America. Exerting an enormous amount of influence on Pope Francis is his scientific advisor, Hans Schellnhuber, a devout atheist. Rejoining us is Matt Briggs (, Author and Adjunct Professor of Statistics at Cornell University, who discusses the Pope’s latest encyclical, the largely false information contained it, and how Francis’s advisor is pushing for a one –world government with a global council, an earth constitution, and a world court. Finally, we welcome back Luis Fleischman (, Senior Advisor at the Center for Security Policy. He recalls the cover-up surrounding the death of prosecutor Alberto Nisman, who was investigating an Iranian terrorist attack in Argentina in the 1990s. He shows Argentina’s stand with Iran against perceived imperialism from the West, socialist collaboration between Cuba and Venezuela, and terrorist security threats to the U.S. found in tunnels underneath our borders. As always, join us online for our weekly Section 6 intelligence briefing, featuring analysis by John on important stories highlighting emerging geopolitical trends around the world.

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