John Loeffler: August 7, 2017

Charlie Gard, the British newborn boy with a rare brain disease passed away this week, but his death may not be in vain.  In this week's boralogue, John looks at socialized medicine, death panels, and bureaucracies, and points out that the patient is always the last to be considered.  Free health care isn't free and little Charlie's death has reminded us of that.

Also John dissects Fareed Zakaria's comments about Trump voters in our brand new clip of the week.

Climate data from NASA and the IPCC have not been collected properly, which has led to many untrue predictions.  Environmentalist and author Tim Ball ( shares his experience fighting against climate inaccuracies, demanding that evidence be produced to back up alarmists' claims.

Property rights are important in a free society. Christina Martin (, Attorney at Pacific Legal Foundation, discusses one of her cases involving a church in Michigan that lost their property to the state and how taking away property rights brings us one step closer to losing our free country.

Did Mark Zuckerberg and Facebook just agree to adhere to Pakistan's blasphemy laws online?  Author and lecturer Meira Svirsky ( joins us to examine political correctness on the internet, hierarchies among victim classes, and the need to strongly enforce free speech laws here and around the world.

John’s quote of the week:

"Normally socialized healthcare flows this way: the government gets first say, the healthcare insurers and payers get second say, then the healthcare providers whose jobs depend on the government payer system get third say, and that's pretty much it.  Oh, did we forget?  I'm sorry!  You're the patient, aren't you?  Well, you're down at the bottom of the totem pole."

As always, join us online for our Section 6 intelligence briefing featuring analysis by John on important stories highlighting emerging geopolitical trends around the world.

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