John Loeffler: December 6, 2016

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How have those on the Left dealt with the fallout from the 2016 presidential election?  In this week’s boralogue, John looks at the different stages of our current political paradigm shift and shows that the reelection of Nancy Pelosi as House minority leader proves that democrats are committed to using old solutions to new problems.  Power elites and the media are out of touch with mainstream America and if they choose to continue dividing us, we must ignore them and bridge the gap ourselves.


Islamic ideologies continue to prosper in the West, nowhere more prominent than on college campuses.  Stephen Schwartz (, Fellow at the Middle East Forum discusses Iranian influence inside American universities, the difference between radical and moderate Islam, and the possibility of Muslims adapting to Western culture.


There are fewer Christian refugees accepted into the United Kingdom today than Muslim refugees.  Ruth Gledhill (, Contributing Editor at Christian Today examines possible reasons for the discrepancy and stresses that religious literacy is important in understanding political and cultural realities in the Middle East and Europe.


Now that Donald Trump has been elected President of the United States, what are globalists going to do?  We welcome back to the show historian and Former Senior Associate at the Department of Education Dr. Dennis Cuddy ( who looks at back door meetings involving Henry Kissinger, why Trump won and Clinton lost, and what Republicans should concentrate on for 2020. 


John’s quote of the week:

“After a few days of soul-searching and admitting that they were out of touch, the dedicated Left propaganda machine has fallen back into its old patterns and has dug in for a long run of obstructionism to anything the new administration is going to try to do.”


As always, join us online for our Section 6 intelligence briefing featuring analysis by John on important stories highlighting emerging geopolitical trends around the world.


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