John Loeffler: February 13, 2017

President Trump's inaugural speech was labeled dark and his recent executive order on immigration is considered by many as unconstitutional.  In this week's boralogue, John looks back at FDR's 'dark times' speech and Bill Clinton's 1995 speech advocating for tighter immigration and stronger borders.  Was there a constitutional crisis then?  No.  Is there a crisis now?  No.  It's all hyperbolic rhetoric.  

Those who frame the debate and control definitions, control the information.  Thomas Lifson (, Editor and Founder of American Thinker discusses Google's attempt to influence the masses by redefining 'fascism' as a right wing movement as well as the loss in credibility of the mainstream media.  

What does the word 'fascism' actually mean?  William Watkins (, Research Fellow at the Independent Institute examines the true definition and points out that redefining terms, falsely accusing others of hate speech, and assaulting people in order to silence opposition is actual fascist behavior. 

January 27 marked the 50th anniversary of the Apollo 1 fire that killed three astronauts on a launch pad at Cape Kennedy, Florida.  Joining us is Vern Westgate (, retired Air Force veteran and NASA engineer who describes his work with Apollo 1, the engineering needed to make space travel safe, and the bureaucratic shuffling before and after the accident.  

John’s quote of the week:

"Many people have forgotten the history of the country, why we are where we are, why the Constitution is written the way it is, and why it's important to observe that.  They have maybe not forgotten, but many never knew.  That's due to the politically correct history which is taught in the American education system and it's leading us to wreckage."

As always, join us online for our Section 6 intelligence briefing featuring analysis by John on important stories highlighting emerging geopolitical trends around the world.

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