John Loeffler: January 29, 2018

A year into President Trump's tenure, there are accomplishments to be found amidst the media falderal.  In this week's boralogue, John looks at the economic anemia of President Obama's eight years compared to the boom we have seen since Donald Trump took office.  There are many accomplishments for our current president and, despite the leftwing media handwringing, some of those successes are hard to miss.

FISA database violations, meetings with sketchy Russians, an unverified dossier, illegal surveillance.  With information coming to light every day of the plot to destroy Donald Trump, how do we make sense of it all?  John and producer Steve go behind the scenes with how the Obama administration stretched, and perhaps broke, the law to spy on Donald Trump.  Could this be what's included in the new explosive House Intelligence memo?

After a brief examination of President Trump's comments on the Palestinians from Davos, Switzerland, we welcome to the program Thomas Lifson (, Editor and Founder of American Thinker, who discusses the four stages of Trump Derangement Syndrome and shows how censorship online and media bias seem to be the leading symptoms.

John’s quote of the week:

"What's important to recognize is that you have a businessman and not a politician cleaning things up so the economy can function again.  He spent quite a bit of time in his first year undoing the tangled mess that Mr. Obama created in regulations and executive orders.  So while the media are focused on touchy feely things such as identity politics, there really is a major rework underway."

As always, join us online for our Section 6 intelligence briefing featuring analysis by John on important stories highlighting emerging geopolitical trends around the world.

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