John Loeffler: July 2, 2018

What is the outrage du jour?  With so many protests popping up and fading away, it's hard to keep track of what people are mad about.  In this week's boralogue, John looks at the importance of watching what is not said and done as an indicator of an ourager's motivations.  Outrage only spreads outrage – it has no solutions or plans other than intense indignation.  So what is the true purpose?  Obstruction to the current administration – nothing more.

Outrage is everywhere, mostly against Trump supporters and members of his Cabinet.  Why is it happening and is there another motive behind it?  Author and columnist Derek Hunter ( joins us to discuss what's really behind the outrage, how dangerous it's likely to become, and what, if anything, can be done about it.

John and Producer Steve go through recent Supreme Court decisions regarding President Trump's travel ban, pregnancy centers and abortions, and internet sales taxes, as well as touch on the reactions from those who disagree with these decisions.

Outrage stems in large part from political correctness.  Where did the concept of PC originate?  Richard Hawkins (, Leader of Focus on the Family's Truth Project, examines the Frankfurt School and the efforts to undermine the family, indoctrinate children, and revise the history of Western civilization.

John’s quote of the week:    

"Remember that the fight now is not just over truth.  It is also over whether or not the Constitution – in the Union so conceived, as Abraham Lincoln said, which was founded in the Declaration of Independence, July 4, 1776 – is going to long endure.  The fight is over the Constitution and a level playing field."

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