John Loeffler: July 3, 2017

Bernie Sanders recently challenged White House OMB director nominee Russell Vought about his Christianity, questioning his ability to serve because of his faith.  In this week's boralogue, John not only looks at several examples of Sanders violating the first amendment during his questioning but also shows the brilliance and value that our first amendment affords U.S. citizens.

Two freedoms being currently violated on California college campuses are the freedoms of religion and speech.  Tammi Rossman-Benjamin (, Co-Founder of the AMCHA Initiative rejoins us to discuss anti-Semitic protestors at pro-Israel events and how these groups benefit from aligning themselves with other progressives.

Canada is experiencing freedom violations through hate speech laws.  Jeff Gunnarson (, National Vice President of Campaign Life Coalition in Toronto analyzes Canadian tribunals that can remove children from homes if parents are not politically correct when it comes to social issues like the gender identity of their children.

Finally, we look at fake news and the media's war on President Trump.  Seton Motley (, President of Less Government examines why politicians and the media dislike President Trump and shows that by executing a hostile takeover of a swampy, bureaucratic government, Trump is hopefully setting a precedent for future leaders.

John’s quote of the week:

"On this Fourth of July holiday, remind people of what the earliest rights in our country were … freedom of speech, freedom of religion, freedom of the press.  All of those freedoms are fundamental in keeping freedom itself alive, because once they die, freedom goes with it."

 Section 6 is taking a break this week as we celebrate our nation's 241st birthday.  We'll be back next week for more analysis by John on important stories highlighting emerging geopolitical trends around the world.  Another bit of news: we may be renaming this segment soon to Section 7!  Stay tuned.

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