John Loeffler: July 9, 2018

Will the ideas and freedoms our Founding Fathers established in July 1776 continue to stand or will it morph into something unrecognizable?  In this week's boralogue, John looks at how the First Amendment is being used to protect speech from some people but is being pummeled in relation to others' speech.  When they agree, speech is free.  When they don't, it's not.  The freedoms in the Constitution must stand for our country to remain standing.

A debate has sprung up about court decisions and how values should be incorporated into them.  But who determines society's values?  Caroline Lewis (, writer and owner of Percipio Communications, points out the hypocrisy of those who say laws don't matter but then want you to live by their laws when they finally enact them.

Will Islam ever reform toward modernity? Dr. Zhudi Jasser (, President and Founder of American Islamic Forum for Democracy, defines Islamic precepts and sharia law and asks: how do we push past political correctness and start truly discussing the important issues?

Can education be reformed in order to be fair to all students, regardless of race? Horace Cooper (, Chairman of the Project 21 National Advisory Board, advocates for a move away from government and bureaucracy and toward family, morality, and school choice.  Only then can problems truly be solved.

We finish this week with author and Executive Editor at Tor/Forge Books Robert Gleason who discusses danger within some countries' nuclear programs, including a fictional account from his new book – one that could become true if we're not careful.

John’s quote of the week:    

"The problem with hate speech laws is that the determination of what is and what is not hate is a value judgment that's very hard to quantify or qualify in law.  How do you know when you're violating this law or when you're not?"

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