John Loeffler: November 2, 2015

Another week, another debate; this time the myriad of GOP presidential candidates took to the stage. Meanwhile, behind the scenes, Congress is scrambling to pass laws to repair Social Security and prevent its imminent demise. In this week’s boralogue, John compares the reality of what Republican candidates are saying and the unrealistic ideology of Democratic candidates. Bernie Sanders wants to give away free stuff. The question is: who will he steal from to pay for it? The stuff of science fiction movie scripts is quickly becoming the reality of science today. Investigative journalist and author Annie Jacobsen ( joins us to discuss the Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency (DARPA), its brain to computer interface projects, the ethics involved, and the beginning of artificial intelligence. All religions and nations should work together in harmony for the good of humanity. Sounds great, right? Carl Teichrib (, Chief Editor of Forcing Change, recently attended the World Parliament of Religions, which promotes this religious harmony, and reports on the conference’s true agenda: religious dilution, acceptance of all gods, and a move to favor the collective over the individual. John finishes up by looking at a debate in Canada this past week that highlighted the conflicting nature of political correctness. It’s time to speak out against the ridiculous. As always, join us online for our Section 6 intelligence briefing featuring analysis by John on important stories highlighting emerging geopolitical trends around the world. This week, John takes a closer look at the persecuted Christian church.

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