John Loeffler: November 5, 2018

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Election mania is dominating the airwaves but there are some sobering stories surrounding the economy and Christian persecution that are flying under the media radar.  In this week's boralogue, John reminds us of the economic cliff on the horizon and then gives us an update on Asia Bibi's blasphemy case in Pakistan and the latest with Pastor X and his family.  There are major changes in both cases so please be in prayer.


With an impending debt crisis looming, how long can we continue to live our normal everyday lives?  We look forward with author and former magazine writer James Kunstler ( who describes what life could look like if we go through another monetary crash and possible food shortage.  He also examines indoctrination in schools that lead to ideologically bad decisions.


With the midterm elections just a few days away, what can we expect from voters and what will the political landscape looks like on November 7?  We look forward with author and political forecaster Gerard Lameiro ( who looks at issues that could affect the election, a better way to forecast the results, and the very real possibility of a more conservative Congress.


John’s quote of the week:    

"One thing we have seen clearly since the last election has been the disrespect of the progressive elites for the current system.  They are willing to call anyone who opposes their ideas idiots, phobes, racists, they will deny you your rights and demand that you honor all these new rights that they make up out of thin air and if you don't, you know what happens.  You have to remember that at these elections."


Follow us on Twitter @steelonsteelpro as well as the Steel on Steel Facebook page and remember to join Praying for Persecuted Christians for the latest information concerning persecuted Christians around the world. Don’t forget to stop by our YouTube channel as well for our latest videos.


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Steel on Steel, hosted by John Loeffler, offers weekly Christian-perspective news analysis and worldview apologetics; connecting the dots within geopolitics, economics, religion and education. This "Short Show" is just a small part of our comprehensive 2+ hour weekly program. Join us at for this, and much more!


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