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Erroneous Interfaith Dialogue: A Call Back to Biblical Evangelism Part 2

Has the church lost its way when it comes to the Gospel of Jesus Christ and Biblical evangelism. Has compromise and the social gospel so infected the church that it is no longer effective and fruitful for the Kingdom of God? 

Shahram has a special guest on to discuss the ongoing erroneous interfaith, ecumenical practices that we see happening both in the mainline denominational liberal churches and now the biblically conservative churches. 

Shahram's guest: Pastor Mark is from Iran and converted to Christianity in 1993. He was a devout Muslim and an Islamic Imam, when he had a radical conversion. Today, he oversees a ministry called Hayate Abadi (means "eternal life" in Farsi) that shares the Gospel of Jesus Christ through, radio, internet, radio satellite and tv satellite to millions of Muslims weekly. His ministry is uncompromising in sharing the only Truth that will set Muslims free from the darkness of Islam. 

Both Shahram and Pastor Mark say no to interfaith dialogue and yes to Biblical evangelism!!!


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