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Truth In Love Radio Show 1: 09/05/17 "#Christsupremacy Part 1"

We continue to see racial divide and race baiting in our culture, including from many in "Evangelical" circles. We witness words like "racist" and "white privilege," or "white guilt" easily thrown around. We see groups like Black Lives Matters elevated, while our national historic monuments are being torn down. Our nation is so divided and being intentionally broken apart. 

The worst of it all is when Christians start buying into the race baiting narrative. After the Charlottesville unrest, I saw Christians and Christian leaders denouncing "white supremacy," but not denouncing all color supremacy. As a pastor, I denounce any color supremacy. I denounce "black supremacy (like the Marxist, Communist Black Lives Matters, and their ungodly associates the Muslim Brotherhood and Antifa). I denounce "white supremacy" (like the KKK, Neo-Nazis, Skinheads, etc.).

As Bible believing Christ followers, we should believe in and declare only one kind of supremacy. It is #Christsupremacy!! We will examine what the Bible has to say about these issues and look at what role the church can play in bringing Biblical healing to our nation. 

When Christ is supreme in our lives, we should not get sucked in by the lie that skin color matters, but we should live for the truth that what matters is the character and fruit of each person. 

I call for the repentance of every professing Christian who is playing the unbiblical game of race baiting. 

Help us get this message out and make #Christsupremacy go viral. Please share this description on your social media and by email with all you know. #Christsupremacy!


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