Soaring Eagle Radio - Chad Schafer - The World in the Bondage of Egypt

Students of the Bible have for many years understood the significance of symbology, typology, and iconography in the interpretation and expositing of the prophetic Scriptures. But, can it be that one of the clearest, most visible examples of iconography has been completely misunderstood.

How does the Triumphal Arch of Titus serve as both the original prophetic fulfillment of what Deuteronomy 28 stated concerning Israel and as the model for nearly every subsequent triumphal arch built across nearly every continent? And most importantly what does this mean for Israel and the born again, blood bought, son or daughter of Yeshua Ha Mashiach, commonly referred to as the Church?

Stay tuned for my conversation with researcher and author Chad Schafer, as we discuss his book, “The World in the Bondage of Egypt: Under the Triumphal Arch of Titus,” next in this episode of SER.

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