Carl's presentation, From Babel to Babel, is a broad survey demonstrating the ancient and modern desire of Mankind: To ultimately be in charge of human destiny and assert our power through world unity. Starting with Genesis 11 and the Tower of Babel, Carl brings this humanist dream forward into the "Babel" architecture of the modern movement for world government, a world currency, and a world religion. Along the way he explores the influence of Saint Simon and "New Christianity," the role of John Foster Dulles and the Federal Council of Churches, Pope Pius XII and his meeting with World Federalists, ideas for a single global currency and the potential power of a global central bank, and the rise of interfaithism and internationalized religion. Carl augments his evidence with first-hand experiences as an observer at the UN Millennium Forum, the UN World Urban Forum, the International Congress of the World Federalist Movement, and the 2010 World Religions Summit.
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