Exposing The Religious Trojan Horse of The Globalist Deep State (Part 1)



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Exposing The Religious Trojan Horse of The Globalist Deep State (Part 1)

Everything you thought you knew about modern-day evangelicalism is wrong and you're going to be played if you don’t get the big picture now. In this presentation Brannon brings 25 years of research and study in the area of socialism, Cultural-Marxism, public policy, and his study of evangelicalism to the platform to expose what many evangelical Christians never thought would occur. Brannon will provide the screen shots and text of books and speeches to prove that well-respected evangelical leaders and organizations are promoting documented Neo-Marxist ideas wrapped in masking terms and a veneer of Christian sounding adjectives. All over America, and the world, a partnership between governments, big business, and non-profits is being built to usher in a new culture, a new religion, a new economy, and a new way of life. The war against conservative Americans and Christians is well underway but it is coming from within through a religious Trojan Horse that is seeking to portray economic conservatives as racists, those concerned about unvetted entry of immigrants into America as xenophobic, and those concerned about national sovereignty as white nationalists, and those concerned with the rise of Islam in America as bigots promoting Islamophobia. Who are the major evangelical leaders that are promoting social justice, redistribution of wealth, or reweaving a community? How have liberal groups like George Soros and his Open Society Foundation, The John Templeton Foundation and other liberal, globalist promoting foundations infiltrated evangelical leaders and their organizations? How are these men working to fundamentally transform American churches into community organizations with the church leadership being the community organizers? How will a partnership between “churches," foundations, non-government organizations and government be used to silence orthodox Christianity? How will these community organizations (posing as churches) convince their members to give up huge percentages of their income to set up social service centers? How is this all connected to Peter Drucker and his three-legged stool of communitarianism? How are these leaders and their organizations turning your children and grandchildren into social justice warriors who are hostile to your worldview and orthodox Christianity? How should we respond to this war of worldview now raging within American churches and evangelicalism?



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