Unveiling the Truth: The Courage to Face COVID-19 | Guests: Dr. Peter McCullough & John Leake



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Join Kevin Freeman as he dives into a groundbreaking interview with Dr. Peter McCullough and John Leake in the Economic War Room, where they shed light on their book, "The Courage to Face COVID-19." Witness how Dr. McCullough, hailed as a fearless leader during the pandemic, exposes the failures of government health agencies and Big Pharma, advocating for repurposed drugs that could have ended the pandemic sooner. Discover the orchestrated efforts to undermine early treatment options, labeling life-saving protocols as unproven, all while pushing for a vaccine-centric approach. This eye-opening discussion challenges the narrative set by authorities and provides hope and direction for a future when medical freedom and patient care reign supreme. Don't miss this critical examination of one of the most controversial times in modern medical history.



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