How to Know if Your Called to Ministry An old preacher once said, "Some pastors were called to ministry and some just went!" Now, I'll admit that there have been&nb
When should the sick call for the elders of the Church? When should the sick call for the elders of the Church?
Forgiveness is one thing; Reconciliation is another: Forgiveness is one thing; Reconciliation is another:
Unity When Christians Disagree by Steve Cornell While believers are free to establish their own conviction in areas of freedom, they are not permitted to condemn those w
Does God control the weather? What should we expect from God? By Steve Cornell When natural disasters strike, some
Theo-phobia: Fear Of religion at the Academy by Steve Cornell Dr. Michael Murray is professor and chair of philosophy at Franklin and Marshal College--a prestigious private College in La
Discipline: Why does life have to hurt so much? By Steve Cornell One of our sons just returned from his first year of college. He was recruited to play Division II basketball in a power hous
Chasing Willow Creek or In search of Saddleback by Steve Cornell Large numbers of church leaders flock for guidance to mega Churches like Willow Creek Community Church in Chicago and Sa
Why so much focus on Jesus? By Steve Cornell Since his crucifixion, the world has never ceased to be interested in Jesus. In recent times
Bad things happen---Does God care? Steve Cornell Imagine God appearing to you on New Year's Eve to tell you that nothing bad will happen to you in the coming yea
Best selling Authors Promote Atheism Best selling authors promote atheismIf you believe in God, you're in the majority opinion. You're also the target audience of best selling author Sa
War: A Christian perspective Steve Cornell Is all war evil? Although most people are willing to recognize that some wars are necessary, they see them only as necessary evils. M
Surprise by Trials? By Steve Cornell A popular gospel tract offers the reader "God's love and wonderful plan for your life." Those who come to God assum
Accept homosexuality Note From Editor: This month U.S. Rep. Sheila Jackson-Lee, D-Texas introduced a bill in Congress (H.R. 254) which if passed would ex