Radio Broadcast

Radio show broadcast

  • Brannon Howse: April 21, 2021

    Guests: Mike Lindell and Dr. Douglas Frank. Topic: Brannon describes WVW Broadcast Network Studio hosting Mike Lindell’s 48 Hour Frank-A-Thon on Monday and Tuesday and gives you a behind the scenes description of this historic event in defense of free speech. Topic: Dr. Frank joins Brannon live in the WVW radio studio to report that liberal organizations like the Clinton Foundation and others have been allowed to enter the voting rolls in numerous states and change the voting roles. Dr. Frank and Brannon describe how the FBI and CIA are aware of this voter crime and do nothing because the FBI has become America’s KGB and has worked to overthrow our Constitutional Republic. Topic: Mike Lindell joins us live in the WVW radio studio to discuss the epic launch of Frank, the voice of free speech. Topic: We take your calls.
  • John Loeffler: January 24, 2022

    Last year turned out to be a banner year for mainstream media misinformation.  They seemed so sure of their stories when published, but when facts came out, very few if any admitted they were wrong.  Leading off the show this week is Brandon Smith, Founder of the Alternative Market Project.  He looks back at media lowlights in 2021, including talking points like ‘pandemic of the unvaccinated,’ ‘January 6 was an insurrection,’ and ‘alternative energies didn’t cause Texas’s winter grid collapse.’  Headlines were in large fonts; corrections, if any, were but a tiny footnote.
  • Crosstalk: January 24, 2022

    Dems Try To Nuke Filibuster, Fail Miserably
    Pro-Abortion Groups Drop Kyrsten Sinema After She Voted Against The Filibuster
    Tens of Thousands of Pro-Lifers Prepare To Defend The Unborn In Washington
    Pastor: I’m Observing A Sabbath To Celebrate Killing 63 Million Babies In Abortions
  • Brannon Howse: January 21, 2022

    Guests: Rep. Tim Ramthun and Carl Teichrib Topic: Wisconsin Republican Speaker of the House Robin Vos Helped Obama and Biden Steal 2020 Election. Topic: Rep. Tim Ramthun details some of the sixteen documented voting crimes in Wisconsin. Topic: Carl Teichrib brings us a report on the World Economic Forum's latest conference he monitored.
  • Brannon Howse: January 20, 2022

    Guests: Dick from Maryland and Anni Cyrus. Topic: Today Brannon plays the second portion of a July 25, 2019 interview with his friend the late Phil Haney. Listen as Phil warns about how the deep state seeks to destroy people that speak the truth about national security issues. Ironically, less than two years later Phil Haney was by all accounts murdered and many believe the government had him killed or covered it up. Anni and Dick respond to this 2019 audio of Phil Haney.

  • Crosstalk: January 21, 2022

    Paul Munger is a writer, producer, director editor, and the founder of Watchman Pictures, a North Carolina-based feature film production company.  Paul has sought to bring excellence and creative vision to the art of storytelling and has a passion to communicate truth and beauty through impactful stories that families can enjoy together.  He produced the film Princess Cut and the newly released Princess Cut 2: Hearts on Fire.
  • Crosstalk: January 20, 2022

    What’s happening in our world today may seem like chaos and upheaval, but for globalists, this is all part of the plan.  So for there to be a great reset, everything must fall apart, including things such as your personal privacy, private property, the health care system, our supply chain, our economic and political systems, and even our spiritual system.
  • Brannon Howse: January 19, 2022

    Guests: Dick from Maryland and Anni Cyrus. Topic: Today Brannon plays a portion of a July 25, 2019 interview with his friend the late Phil Haney. Listen as Phil warns about how the deep state seeks to destroy people that speak the truth about national security issues. Ironically, less than two years later Phil Haney was by all accounts murdered and many believe the government had him killed or covered it up. Anni and Dick respond to this 2019 audio of Phil Haney.
  • Crosstalk: January 19, 2022

    This past Saturday the news alerts were going off as an Islamic jihadi from Britain took hostages in Congregation Beth Israel synagogue in Colleyville, TX. His demand was for one known as “Lady Al Qaeda” to be freed. Jihad Watch reported that the town that the Islamic jihadist, Malik Faisal Akram of Blackburn in Lancashire, UK, was from is described as another post-industrial English town where Muslims make up a third of the population and Pakistanis account for over 10% of the population. The standoff with SWAT teams lasted some 10 hours. In the end all hostages escaped without harm.
  • Brannon Howse: January 18, 2022

    Guests: Dr. Robert Malone and Texas Attorney General Ken Paxton. Topic: Dr. Robert Malone on a Lawless Government, The Nuremberg Code, DARPA and the CIA and Globalism. Topic: Texas Attorney General Ken Paxton on Ruling That Would Allow Voter Fraud to Explode Under Liberal, George Soros DAs and Turn Texas Blue. Topic: We take your calls
  • John Loeffler: January 18, 2022

    Narratives are beginning to fail and what were once considered conspiracy theories by those in government and the media are now emerging as facts. First up this week, we look at our armed forces. Jay Richards (, Research Fellow at the Heritage Foundation, joins us to examine the widespread rejection of religious exemptions for Covid shots in the military. Is there a hatred of religion or are they trying to purge politically incorrect men and women from our armed services? Whatever the case, our military members are fighting back in court. There is no Covid-19 exemption to the First Amendment.
  • Crosstalk: January 18, 2022

    The Greek philosopher Plato predicted democracy would degenerate into anarchy once people lost their virtue.  Then a tyrant would arise. How do democracies and republics get taken over?  Haven’t systems been put in place to prevent this from happening?
  • Brannon Howse: January 17, 2022

    Guests: Robert Spencer and Mike Lindell. Topic: Robert Spencer on Woke FBI that downplayed anti-Semitic, Texas synagogue hostage case. Topic: FBI and government protects jihadis but actively goes after patriots. Topic: Mike Lindell why his bank wants to de-bank him and what it means for the rest of conservatives and Christians that speak up about their faith and values. Topic: We take your calls.
  • Brannon Howse: January 14, 2022

    Guest: Trevor Loudon. Topic: Tulsi Gabbard just made a video and sounded like a conservative with her warning about Joe Biden and his regime. But make so mistake, she is tied back to communist groups and Trevor Loudon warns. Some Neo-cons are apparently pushing Tulsi as a possible running mate for President Trump in 2024. Topic: We take your calls
  • Chris Pinto: January 14, 2022

    "Today’s Show: RUMORS OF WAR & QUARANTINE CAMPS Chris discusses the speculations about a new program being launched by the U.S. Military called “Robin Sage.” The Daily Mail in the U.K. asks if this could be a “civil war rehearsal” since the Special Forces candidates will participate in training in which they face a “numerically superior enemy” in a politically unstable fictional country. The Robin Sage training exercises also appear just after the DOJ created a new unit to confront what officials claim is an “elevated threat from domestic violent extremists.” Also discussed are reports of Covid quarantine camps in Washington State, which raised an alarm sparking “thousands of emails” in response. Yet while the Washington State Legislature website seems to define such a program— there are government and media outlets that deny this is what’s really happening. We review the reports and examine the details. "
  • Crosstalk: January 14, 2022

    Issues dealing with COVID-19 and the vaccines are occurring quickly.  According to writings from the guest on this Crosstalk, France passed a measure for vaccine passes that must be shown to visit public venues.  Italy has mandatory COVID vaccines for people over 50 with few exceptions.  Austria is set to enact mandatory vaccinations on February 1 for anyone over 14.  Those who refuse face a fine or jail time if unable to pay.  Germany is soon voting on a near universal mandate.  Greece has announced mandatory vaccines for all citizens over 60. It’s also been reported in Quebec, Canada, that the premier has announced that his province will implement monetary penalties in the form of health contributions for unvaccinated citizens.  Other steps are being taken in nations such as Australia, New Zealand and China.
  • Brannon Howse: January 13, 2022

    Brannon Howse plays a portion of his 2009 interview with Larry Grathwohl that penetrated the terrorist group, The Weather Underground. Listen as we learn that the Ideologies of the Weather Underground have taken over the U.S. Government in 2022. Topic: We take your calls.
  • Crosstalk: January 13, 2022

    –According to, on Monday evening, Project Veritas released a new report announcing that they had obtained U.S. military documents proving that Dr. Anthony Fauci had lied to Congress and, more specifically, had obtained “never before seen documents regarding the origins of COVID-19, gain-of-function research, vaccines, potential treatments which have been suppressed, and the government’s effort to conceal all of this.”
  • Brannon Howse: January 12, 2022

    Guest: Dr. Carrie Madej on the dangers of Monoclonal Antibodies. Where did these antibodies come from? What about the nearly 300 dead babies used to develop the lines? Why are people that are opposed to the covid vaccine running to take Monoclonal Antibodies? Topic: LarryGrathwohl warned us in 1982 that the Weather Underground wanted to throw American patriots in the interment camps and kill millions they could not brainwash. Brannon explains how many of the Weather Underground and their values have penetrated the FBI, DOJ, military and almost all government agencies. Then Brannon reads the headlines of how the government is setting up Christians, those opposed to the covid vaccine, and conservatives for persecution, prosecution and throwing them into interment camps labeled as covid camps. Topic: We take your calls.
  • Peter Pry: January 12, 2022

    The alliance between Russia and China is the greatest military threat ever posed to the U.S. and the Free World, not least because Washington has been so tardy in recognizing the growing peril from the Sino-Russo “New Axis” that now threatens to escalate the New Cold War into World War III.
  • Crosstalk: January 12, 2022

    In order to focus in on the heavens, Crosstalk welcomed Dr. Danny Faulkner.  Dr. Faulkner has a Masters of Science in Physics, a Master of Arts and a PhD in Astronomy.  He taught at the University of South Carolina, Lancaster, for over 26 years.  He serves as editor of the Creation Research Quarterly and has published over 100 papers in various journals.  He’s a researcher, author and speaker for Answers in Genesis.  He is the author of numerous books including the newly released, The Heavens: A Different View. Banner