Radio Broadcast

Radio show broadcast

  • Brannon Howse: April 21, 2021

    Guests: Mike Lindell and Dr. Douglas Frank. Topic: Brannon describes WVW Broadcast Network Studio hosting Mike Lindell’s 48 Hour Frank-A-Thon on Monday and Tuesday and gives you a behind the scenes description of this historic event in defense of free speech. Topic: Dr. Frank joins Brannon live in the WVW radio studio to report that liberal organizations like the Clinton Foundation and others have been allowed to enter the voting rolls in numerous states and change the voting roles. Dr. Frank and Brannon describe how the FBI and CIA are aware of this voter crime and do nothing because the FBI has become America’s KGB and has worked to overthrow our Constitutional Republic. Topic: Mike Lindell joins us live in the WVW radio studio to discuss the epic launch of Frank, the voice of free speech. Topic: We take your calls.
  • Crosstalk: December 21, 2021

    The life, death and resurrection of Christ, who’s birth we’re about to celebrate, changed everything.  However, what shouldn’t be forgotten is that Christ was born in the Middle East.  Also, the shepherds, who received the good news of great joy concerning the birth of Christ, were Middle East shepherds.
  • Crosstalk: December 21, 2021

    Bodie Hodge is a speaker, writer and researcher with Answers in Genesis.  He oversees their correspondence department and is a regular speaker in the Creation Museum Speaker Series.  He is the author or co-author and contributing author of numerous books including, ‘Tower of Babel,’ ‘The Answers Book’ series, ‘Demolishing Supposed Bible Contradictions,’ ‘How Do We Know the Bible is True?’ and ‘The War on Christmas.’
  • John Loeffler: December 20, 2021

    The slippery slope fallacy is the claim that a particular action will trigger a negative chain of events, positing as true a number of vaguely defined steps in between that draws out an emotional response.  John leads off the show this week looking at a couple of slippery slope examples in the news today.
  • Crosstalk: December 20, 2021

    Here’s a quick look at some of the stories that made the cut for this week’s edition of the News Round-Up:

    –Dr. Jane Orient from the American Association of Physicians and Surgeons warns that in addition to being subjected to various forms of censorship, for the first time in living memory, American doctors are getting threat letters from licensure boards warning them against disturbing, harmful “misinformation”.

    –The U.S. Supreme Court just left in place New York’s COVID-19 vaccine mandate for health care workers that allows for no religious exemptions.
  • Brannon Howse: December 17, 2021

    Guest: Dr. Andy Woods. Topic: Attorney, author and theologian Andy Woods joins us to answer your Bible questions that were emailed and then the phone lines light up from coast to coast with callers asking their questions.
  • Crosstalk: December 17, 2021

    It all began last Friday evening when a severe weather system came through multiple states.  Tornadoes formed in Arkansas bringing 150 MPH winds.  Although the damage was widespread, much of the focus has been on Kentucky.  The media has reported that at least 90 people have lost their lives, 80 of them from Kentucky and of those from that state, at least 12 of them were children, including a 2 month old.
  • Brannon Howse: December 16, 2021

    Guest: Former Pfizer employee Karen Kingston. Topic: Overwhelming evidence from medicals doctors that the Covid-19 “vaccine” will cause your immune system to attack your body. Topic: Is Pfizer buying up companies that will treat the effects of the Covid-19 “vaccine” and thus make billions on the damage they have deliberately created?  Topic: We take your calls.
  • Crosstalk: December 16, 2021

    There is much posturing taking place in the world right now.  Russia, Ukraine,  China, Iran and Israel are all part of it. Returning to Crosstalk to sort all this out was Dr. Jimmy DeYoung Jr.   Dr. DeYoung is the speaker, teacher, Mideast guide, videographer and speaker on Prophecy Today.
  • Brannon Howse: December 15, 2021

    Guest: Tom DeWeese and Bill Federer. Topic: For several years Brannon has predicted on this very radio show that the power elite would use land along with gold and silver as a hard asset by which to set up a new financial system. Brannon wondered if the federal government was taking more and more land from the states for this purpose. Now a group of power elite that reportedly include major Bankers, the Rockefeller Foundation and others are pushing the idea of debt for nature scheme. Learn how this scheme will impact you. Topic: Bill Federer joins us to discuss how the Ten Bill of Rights was supposed to be ten handcuffs on the federal government. Learn how the ten handcuffs were taken off the federal government and placed on the states and thus leaving the federal government to decide when the people have freedom of speech, freedom of religion etc.
  • Brannon Howse: December 14, 2021

    Guest: Leo Hohmann. Topic: Franklin Graham pushes covid vaccine and is critical of pastors that warn of the dangers of the vaccination. Topic: Will digital passport technology and your driver’s license be merged into one. Topic: Mississippi, Arizona, and Oklahoma partner with French company Idemia signs biometrics contract for Australian law enforcement and supports Mississippi mobile driver’s license for three states. Topic: United Nation’s World Health Organization and European Union on digital passports. Topic: We take your calls.
  • John Loeffler: October 14, 2021

    It is said that those who don’t know history are doomed to repeat it. But the lesson that history teaches is that most people don’t know the lessons of history. Here this week to help us understand the mindset of progressives – a group that never seems to learn from history – is Pedro Blas Gonzalez, Professor of Philosophy at Barry University. He looks at why people and leaders in totalitarian societies have behaved the way they have throughout history. Understanding their motivation helps to explain the illogic and contradictions constantly bandied about by the Left today. And it helps clarify for us what the truth really is.
  • Peter Pry: December 14, 2021

    Dr. Pry criticizes the Biden administration for clandestinely making diplomatic queries among U.S. allies about whether or not they would support a U.S. nuclear “No First Use” pledge. Yet we know that U.S. allies regard as fundamental to their security that the U.S. reserves the right to come to their defense with any and all means necessary, including nuclear weapons. Our allies in NATO and the Pacific are already on record that they trust in the U.S. nuclear guarantee. Biden by this stupid act may have delivered the final blow to U.S. credibility, raising grave doubts in the minds of U.S. allies, in effect telling U.S. allies that they are on their own, especially if the adversary threatens or employs nuclear weapons.
  • Brannon Howse: December 13, 2021

    Topic: The Failure of Conservative Leadership Has Helped to Bring America to The Tipping Point. Topic: Brannon reads from his 1993 book Cradle to College and his 1995 book Reclaiming a Nation At Risk in which he predicted the vaccination tracking system now being put in place. Brannon also predicted deadly vaccines that would be used to persecute and eliminate those that opposed the government’s worldview. Topic: We take your calls.
  • Crosstalk: December 14, 2021

    Warnings continue in the news concerning the COVID Omicron variant.  The solution from Dr. Fauci, the CDC, the FDA, and the Biden administration is to get vaccinated.  Then after that, get the second one, then a booster, and they’ll determine down the road if another booster will be needed.  Teenagers are being told to get the shot.  Tests are underway to have the shot tested on those less than 5 years of age.  
  • Crosstalk: December 13, 2021

    –U.S. Supreme Court rules on Texas abortion law.

    –Wisconsin Governor Evers vetoed several bills including one that would require medical care for a baby who survives an abortion and another one that would prohibit sex selective, race selective and disability selective abortions.
  • Brannon Howse: December 10, 2021

    Guest: Dr. Andy Woods. Topic: Aspen Institute works on measures to limit freedom of speech. Topic: California state to offer counselling to students that cannot handle verdict in Kyle Rittenhouse case. Topic: MSNC declares that Thanksgiving was about genocide by white people against blacks. Topic: Salvation Army wants white people to offer sincere apology for their racism. Topic: We take your calls.
  • Brannon Howse: December 9, 2021

    Guest: Patrick Wood. Topic: Canada begins to ban the Bible. Today Brannon and Patrick explain how Canada is setting up Christians for perfection and prosecution. Topic: Canada to regulate social media and streaming. Topic: Couple gets married in the metaverse. Topic: We take your calls.
  • Crosstalk: December 9, 2021

    Free speech is under attack.  It’s often targeted by those on the “left” who want to gag the speech of those who espouse conservative values or any information that the “left” doesn’t want released for public consumption.  This takes place on numerous fronts and one of them involves speaking out on the issue of elections.  
  • Brannon Howse: December 8, 2021

    Anthony Fauci, Bill Gates, Rockefeller Foundation, Eugenics and Covid Vaccines. Topic: Today Brannon heights some of the big points in the recent book by Robert F. Kennedy Jr. entitled The Real Anthony Fauci. Brannon details the Gates, United Nations vaccine program that sterilized countless young women in Keyna. Will the covid vaccines be proven to be a large eugenics and population control program that also sterilized countless American women? Topic: We take your calls. Banner