Radio Broadcast

Radio show broadcast

  • Brannon Howse: April 21, 2021

    Guests: Mike Lindell and Dr. Douglas Frank. Topic: Brannon describes WVW Broadcast Network Studio hosting Mike Lindell’s 48 Hour Frank-A-Thon on Monday and Tuesday and gives you a behind the scenes description of this historic event in defense of free speech. Topic: Dr. Frank joins Brannon live in the WVW radio studio to report that liberal organizations like the Clinton Foundation and others have been allowed to enter the voting rolls in numerous states and change the voting roles. Dr. Frank and Brannon describe how the FBI and CIA are aware of this voter crime and do nothing because the FBI has become America’s KGB and has worked to overthrow our Constitutional Republic. Topic: Mike Lindell joins us live in the WVW radio studio to discuss the epic launch of Frank, the voice of free speech. Topic: We take your calls.
  • Crosstalk: March 29, 2021

    –White House Press Secretary Jen Saki revealed that President Biden and former President Barack Obama discuss policy solutions with each other.

    –A top communications person in the White House has instructed federal agencies to refer to the Biden administration as the Biden-Harris administration.
  • Brannon Howse: March 26, 2021

    Guest: Alex Newman. Topic: Biden Administration killing U.S. energy, destroying American jobs and boosting China. Topic: Did Russia kill Congressman Larry McDonald in 1983 by shooting down the commercial aircraft he was on or did they force down the plane and torture him for information? Topic: Why did Chinese representatives harass Alex for simply asking them questions at a conference? Topic: Is the C.I.A. now running the federal government? Has the C.I.A. been infiltrated by the Communist agenda? How are the white hat agents at the C.I.A. still there? Topic: Alex shares information about the Covid-19 vaccination and its dangers. Topic: We take your calls.
  • Brannon Howse: March 23, 2021

    Guest: Dr. Sherri Tenpenny. Topic: How dangerous is the Covid-19 vaccine? What is the real death rate for those taking the Covid-19 vaccine? Is the RNA and vaccine passports laying the foundation for a global system of who can participate in society and who cannot? What is the long history of the vaccine damage that has been done to children in America? How should Americans respond to the information in this radio show?
  • Erwin Lutzer: March 23, 2021

    Jesus once spoke of a coming judgment of the nations designed to separate the sheep from the goats. When He spoke of this in Matthew 25, He made it clear that there are only two destinies for any of us. Let’s think carefully about the future, and why today is the day to believe on Christ.
  • Sam Rohrer: March 23, 2021

    Cryptocurrency, Bitcoin, and Digital Assets: Making the Complex Understandable. We are joined by Matt Szina (Trainer, Mechanical Engineer). Topics discussed include: Defining the Terms. The “Why” of Cryptocurrency? The “Who” and “How” of Cryptocurrency? Weighing the “Risk” vs “Reward”.
  • Crosstalk: March 23, 2021

    The so-called Equality Act is a top priority item in the Biden Administration.  In the House it is H.R.5 and passed February 25th on a vote of 224-206.  All 221 Democrats voted in favor of the legislation, none voted against it.  As to Republicans, 206 voted in opposition. 3 voted in favor; that’s Congressmen Fitzpatrick, Katko & Reed. So HR 5 has been sent to the Senate. 
  • Brannon Howse: March 22, 2021

    Topic: Brannon reviews a 2020 documentary called Kill Chain that is loaded with democrats and liberals talking about how easy it is to hack the voting machines. This is interesting because it was apparently acceptable for liberals to talk about this on a documentary talking about the 2016 election but now it is not acceptable for conservatives to talk about this regarding the 2020 elections. Topic: Brannon goes back to basics and talks about the six dominate worldviews that rule the world and how many of these worldviews have merged. Topic: Hear the audio of the former head of Department of National Intelligence discussing the global documentation of UFOs. Brannon explains the connection between the New Age Movement, spirit guides and UFOs. Topic: We hear from callers including Dawn from Texas that thanks Brannon for covering the basics for many of the new listeners since Brannon’s audience is really growing.
  • John Loeffler: March 22, 2021

    John has always said that Steel on Steel is an antidote to the mainstream media who reports some stories and not other stories.  But the media is now going one step further and reporting outright lies in the service of a narrative.  We open the show this week with John, Carol, and Steve discussing the many lies, obfuscations, and false narratives from the mainstream media.  Included are the Washington Post ‘Find the Fraud’ story against President Trump and Tucker Carlson’s comments on pregnant women in the military.
  • Crosstalk: March 22, 2021

    –A Milwaukee (Wisconsin) County children’s court judge who is former president and CEO of the Cream City Foundation, which runs the city’s drag queen story hour program, has been arrested on 7 counts of child pornography.

    –Senate committee ponders the far-left Equality Act.
  • Brannon Howse: March 19, 2021

    Guest: Dr. Stephen Kirby. Topic: Dr. Kirby has written an extensive report to warn Americans about the 21 Day Equity Challenge. This curriculum and course is being used to brainwash adults who brainwash other adults as well as students. Topic: What are the liberal definitions of racial inequity, racial justice, racist policies, cultural appropriation, cultural racism, implicit bias, power, or settler colonialism? The common theme of the definitions of these terms is the promotion of socialism and painting conservatives and conservative values as the source of all suffering and oppression. Topic: How must freedom loving Americans respond to this dangerous agenda that is spreading across America?
  • Sam Rohrer: March 19, 2021

    Guarding and Restoring America from Destructive Forces. We are joined by Paul Isaacs (My Faith Votes). Topics discussed include: Identifying the Problem. The Current Culprit at Hand. What in the World is the "Left" Doing? What Must we Do to Guard and Protect America?
  • Crosstalk: March 19, 2021

    Lt. Col. (Ret.) Ray Moore is an Army Reserve Chaplain and veteran of Gulf War I which he was awarded the Bronze Star Medal.  He’s the director of the Exodus Mandate Project and Chairman of the Christian Education Initiative and Chairman of  He is a homeschooling pioneer and is author of Let My Children Go.  He is script-writer and executive producer of the 2015 film, Escaping Common Core: Setting Our Children Free.
  • Chris Pinto: March 19, 2021

    Chris discusses updates and reports on the Covid-19 vaccines that are being given around the world, along with reports of some people who died shortly after receiving the first or second dose. Are they dying from the vaccine? Or are their deaths just a coincidence, as the media claims? Also discussed are the comments (we have the audio) from Nobel Prize winning biochemist Kary Mullis on Dr. Anthony Fauci — his shocking opinion of Fauci long before the coronavirus pandemic of 2020. His warning to the common people is one that should be considered by all. Also discussed is a document from November 2019 from the CSIS Commission (funded by Bill Gates) that strongly suggests a predetermined agenda was in place for some time prior to the outbreak of Covid-19 in January 2020.
  • Brannon Howse: March 18, 2021

    Guest: Leo Hohmann. Topic: Why there is reason to believe that Covid-19 will spike because of the vaccine but the spike will be blamed on conservatives that did not get vaccinated and thus this will be used to persecute conservatives. Topic: What will Americans do when/if they must have a vaccination passport to go about their daily life, travel, shop or even get a driver’s license? Topic: Hear the audio from a 2017 TED Talk in which a guest speaker explains how RNA vaccines, can be used to hack the software of life and do information therapy. What is meant by information therapy? Topic: People at so-called conservative churches are putting pressure on their church members to take the Covid-19 shot.
  • Erwin Lutzer: March 18, 2021

    Many of us have the idea that God owes us His favor. After all, we’re Americans. But as we run the race of life, let’s ask ourselves if God owes us anything. After examining the evidence, we might conclude that what He owes us is judgment. Let’s consider what God thinks of the USA.
  • Crosstalk: March 18, 2021

    Sadly, there are many churches and youth groups that are going with the flow of the culture today.  They don’t want to do or say anything that could possibly offend anyone.  Instead, the name of the game is numbers.  In other words, how big can we make the church or youth group.  In order to accomplish that, we wrack our brains trying to come up with the latest gimmick or newest activity to draw people/youngsters in.  This is often done without regard to giving serious thought to the necessity of building a true, solid, biblical foundation in the lives of those to whom we minister.
  • Sam Rohrer: March 18, 2021

    Israel Update: Sacrifices Returning to the Temple Mount? We are joined by Jimmy DeYoung (Prophecy Today). Topics discussed include: Another Israeli Election? The Jordan-Israel Conflict. Saudis to Islam: Jerusalem not Important to Us. Sacrifices on the Temple Mount?
  • Jimmy DeYoung: March 18, 2021

    Winkie Medad has an amazing report for Jimmy DeYoung today on PTIB. Jimmy will bring Winkie to his Broadcast Table to explain why Saudi Arabia rejects any claim to the Temple Mount in Jerusalem, for the Islamic world. Winkie will tell us how the Jordanian Crown Prince was not allowed to visit the Temple Mount recently, and how this is good news for the Jews who want to re-build a Temple on the Temple Mount in Jerusalem. The Jews can now move forward on this project, as the Prophetic Scenario in God's Word calls for, to happen very soon.

  • Brannon Howse: March 17, 2021

    Guest: Dr. Andy Woods. Topic: Israel is apparently leading the way in setting the global standards for vaccination passports to enter public areas and venues and flights. Dr. Woods explains how Israel is sadly helping to establish global governance and tyranny whether they know it or not. Brannon and Dr. Woods explains how they as Christian Zionists have been supporting the nation state of Israel and fighting anti-semitism. They explain that while they support the nation state of Israel they do not always agree with the government of Israel on every issue and this is one such occasion. Brannon and Dr. Woods explain how the actions of the Israeli government will sadly be used by antisemites to attack Jews. Brannon and Dr. Woods explain how to present this complicated issue to the public using Bible prophecy. Topic: Pope Frances literally calls for using the covid-19 crisis for what he calls the new world order. Topic: We take your calls. Banner