Radio Broadcast

Radio show broadcast

  • Brannon Howse: April 21, 2021

    Guests: Mike Lindell and Dr. Douglas Frank. Topic: Brannon describes WVW Broadcast Network Studio hosting Mike Lindell’s 48 Hour Frank-A-Thon on Monday and Tuesday and gives you a behind the scenes description of this historic event in defense of free speech. Topic: Dr. Frank joins Brannon live in the WVW radio studio to report that liberal organizations like the Clinton Foundation and others have been allowed to enter the voting rolls in numerous states and change the voting roles. Dr. Frank and Brannon describe how the FBI and CIA are aware of this voter crime and do nothing because the FBI has become America’s KGB and has worked to overthrow our Constitutional Republic. Topic: Mike Lindell joins us live in the WVW radio studio to discuss the epic launch of Frank, the voice of free speech. Topic: We take your calls.
  • Crosstalk: October 20, 2020

    Last week the Senate Judiciary Committee met to question Supreme Court Justice nominee, Amy Coney Barrett, regarding her nomination to the United States Supreme Court. Mat Staver provides an analysis of her testimony and the questions that were thrown at her. If the vote scheduled for 9am, Thursday, the 22nd, is passed by the Senate Judiciary Committee, then it’s on to the full Senate. If Amy Coney Barrett is confirmed, this would be President Trump’s third justice appointed to the bench.

    Meanwhile the issue of court packing continues to loom as former Vice President Joe Biden has refused to give a definitive answer on this issue.

    During this Crosstalk program, Mat was probed with questions regarding the tricks to stop the hearings from proceeding, Amy’s stunning record of character and intellect, her mental preparedness for the hearings and quick handling of the questions. The program was wrapped up with answers to what “court packing” is and upcoming Supreme Court cases, followed by listener calls.
  • Brannon Howse: October 19, 2020

    Guest: Dr. Andy Woods & Leo Hohmann. Topic: Dr. Woods and Brannon bring an encouraging report about the Ozarks Worldview Weekend 2020 conference. Topic: Some folks claiming to lead discernment ministries, prophecy conferences or describing themselves as a watchman on the wall caved to the fake news, fake science, propaganda, and agenda of the globalists and Marxists and cancelled their fall conferences. Brannon explains why he did not cancel the Worldview Weekend conference and why he saw it as opposing the control of globalism and Marxism. Topic: Reject the Cult of Groupthink, or Become Its Slave. Topic: We take your calls.
  • Sam Rohrer: October 19, 2020

    Hiding the Evidence. We are joined by Jim Simpson (Journalist, Author). Topics discussed include: When Truth is Jettisoned. Authorizing Total Hillary Declassification. Defining the Crime - Identifying the Resistance. Pursuing the Truth.
  • Erwin Lutzer: October 19, 2020

    If people aren’t serving where God wants them to serve in the local church, the whole ministry is shortchanged. What are spiritual gifts, and why is it so vital that we find out how God has gifted us?
  • Jimmy DeYoung: October 19, 2020

    Today at Jimmy DeYoung's Broadcast Table, here on PTIB, Jimmy will have Dave James. Jimmy and Dave will have a discussion on the abortion issue because it is going to be a major issue in the upcoming Presidential election. In addition to that, the abortion issue is key to the confirmation of a Supreme Court Justice to fill the vacant seat of the late Supreme Court Justice Ginsberg. This is one of those conversations that you must hear, please stay tuned.
  • Crosstalk: October 19, 2020

    –A newly released e-mail allegedly shows that then Vice President Joe Biden met with a top executive at Burisma less than a year before he pressured the Ukrainian government to fire a prosecutor that was investigating the company.
  • Brannon Howse: October 16, 2020

    Guest: Alex Newman, Tom Littleton, Andy Woods, Chris Pinto and Trevor Loudon. Topic: These keynote speakers for the 2020 Ozarks Worldview Weekend join us live from the resort center on Lake of the Ozarks to preview this year’s topic of globalism.
  • Sam Rohrer: October 15, 2020

    Israel Update: Biblical Prophecy at Warp Speed Fulfilment. We are joined by Jimmy DeYoung (Prophecy Today) and Amanda Wiltion (Samaritan Ministries). Topics discussed include: Samaritan Ministries Partner Update. Russia to Increase the Threat to Israel. Palestinian “Suicide Bombers” Recruitment. More Ethiopian Jews Come Home.
  • Erwin Lutzer: October 15, 2020

    The COVID-19 blame game has not helped. Pointing the political finger does not bring back the lives of those lost. But what if global death and destruction is only beginning? What if our present distress is only a foretaste? In this message we take a frank look at the biblical future for fallen humanity, and what we as believers must learn if we’re to be victorious in this dark time.
  • Jimmy DeYoung: October 15, 2020

    The Palestinian Media in Israel is filled with incitement for the Palestinian people to rise up and kill the Jews. A recent documentary by Palestinian Media Watch revealed that the Palestinian media is recruiting Palestinian male and female young people to become "suicide bombers" to kill the Jews. The recruitment campaign is using the reward of "sexual satisfaction" to have these young people become "weapons of war". Today on PTIB Jimmy DeYoung will have Itamar Marcus come to the Broadcast Table to give us all the details on this story.
  • Crosstalk: October 15, 2020

    Socialism is hitting America like a tidal wave striking at our values, our private property rights, at parental authority, at religious freedom and the very heart and soul of our U.S. Constitution.  As we discussed on a recent program, this issue is really a revolution in the making to completely dismantle our constitutional republic and turn it over to socialism.  It’s confronting us in numerous ways and what happens in this election will greatly determine the destiny of our nation.
  • Brannon Howse: October 14, 2020

    Guest: Mike Hammond of Gun Owners of America. Topic: God, Guns, Gold, Genocide and Granola. This upcoming election will be about liberty and freedom or empowering local, state, and federal government that can control our religious freedom, ability to own guns, control our money, kill children and adults through abortion, infanticide and active euthanasia and control our food supply. Topic: St. Louis couple is charged for defending their lives and property. This is a sign of things to come under a Biden-Harris Administration. Topic: The increasing restrictions on Americans ability to purchase guns. Topic: The narrative is being laid of a large Biden victory so that if it does not occur than Trump will be accused of stealing the election and thus create massive civil unrest. Topic: We take your calls.
  • Erwin Lutzer: October 14, 2020

    As COVID-19 has raged, people are desperate to return to normalcy. Some see dark forces manipulating the population. Others are resigned to face a disease for which there is currently no cure. What can we learn from natural disasters when, and if, COVID-19 finally passes over us?
  • Jimmy DeYoung: October 14, 2020

    On a weekly basis, Jimmy DeYoung brings Dave Dolan to his Broadcast Table so Dave can give us his Middle East News Update. Today Jimmy and Dave will discuss how Jordan has opened their "airspace" to allow Israeli aircraft to enter and leave that airspace; the PM and Russian President Putin had a telephone conversation to discuss whether Russia should sell their advanced S-400 Air Defense System to Iran; the Israeli Government ready to airlift 2,000 Ethiopian Jews to Israel; the Turkish President Erdogan saying that Jerusalem is a Turkish City, and has been so for thousands of years.
  • Crosstalk: October 14, 2020

    We have seen many things unfold in 2020 that many never dreamed possible in our nation.  Consider the dictatorial powers launched by many governors and mayors across the nation.  There’s been the shuttering of churches, the closing of businesses, the declaration of what businesses can survive and which ones are doomed to fold.  In addition, look at the uprisings taking place in cities across the nation.  While destruction, burnings, lootings, murders and physical assaults have significantly escalated this year, many in the major media continue to refer to them as peaceful protests.  Meanwhile the tensions between people are heightening.  People have been assaulted for an article of clothing they are wearing or a flag they are waving.  Attacks against patriotism are escalating.  The professional sports world has joined in the attack having caved to a political agenda that glorifies anarchy.  There’s a war on police with many calling for their defunding and to re-imaging policing.  
  • Brannon Howse: October 13, 2020

    Guest: Dr. Peter Vincent Pry. Topic: Can Russia and China defeat our nuclear triad of bombers, submarines, and land-based missiles? Topic: The new way of warfare versus the old way of warfare? Topic: The threat of nuclear suitcases or backpacks as part of gray terror. Topic: We take your calls. Banner