Radio Broadcast

Radio show broadcast

  • Brannon Howse: April 21, 2021

    Guests: Mike Lindell and Dr. Douglas Frank. Topic: Brannon describes WVW Broadcast Network Studio hosting Mike Lindell’s 48 Hour Frank-A-Thon on Monday and Tuesday and gives you a behind the scenes description of this historic event in defense of free speech. Topic: Dr. Frank joins Brannon live in the WVW radio studio to report that liberal organizations like the Clinton Foundation and others have been allowed to enter the voting rolls in numerous states and change the voting roles. Dr. Frank and Brannon describe how the FBI and CIA are aware of this voter crime and do nothing because the FBI has become America’s KGB and has worked to overthrow our Constitutional Republic. Topic: Mike Lindell joins us live in the WVW radio studio to discuss the epic launch of Frank, the voice of free speech. Topic: We take your calls.
  • Jimmy DeYoung: July 30, 2020

    Jimmy DeYoung has two of his Broadcast Partners today here on PTIB that will cover two very important regions of the world and the role each of these regions will play in the end of time scenario as foretold in Bible Prophecy. First, Winkie Medad will discuss the viable possibility that there could be a fourth election, in Israel, in just over a one year period of time, because of the divisions developing in the present Israeli Government. Then John Rood will come to the Broadcast Table to give us his European Union Up-date. Two key reports on two key regions of this world.
  • Crosstalk: July 30, 2020

    Former Vice President Joe Biden gave a (virtual) speech on Monday July 20th to a membership-based, 501(c)4 organization known as Emgage Action. Their purpose is to mobilize American Muslims to advocate for issues pertinent to them including civil liberties, criminal justice reform, income inequality, health care, immigration reform, national security and climate change.

    During the speech, some of the items Biden mentioned included:

    –Having schools teach more about Islam and all confessional faiths.


    –He communicated that he will be a president that recognizes and honors the contributions of Muslims, contributions that he alleged go all the way back to our founding.

    –He will have Muslim/American voices as part of his administration.

    –He said he will end the Muslim (travel) ban on day one. Jim indicated that there is no such travel ban.

    What did NPR say after this address? How about NBC’s ‘Meet the Press’ blog? What did Emgage Action insist upon receiving from Biden in order for him to receive their endorsement? What are the significant differences between the Jesus of Islam and the Jesus of the Bible? These and numerous other points related to Biden’s speech and his efforts to court the Muslim vote were examined on this edition of Crosstalk.
  • Brannon Howse: July 29, 2020

    Part 1: The Marxist Race War and Guerrilla Warfare Revolution Unfolding in America. Topic: Today Brannon reads from the 1974 manual written by the domestic terrorist organization known as the Weather Underground. The document is entitled Prairie Fire. Topic: The tactics of 1968 and the early 70s are being repeated in America in 2020 but this time their marxist revolution has more street soldiers on their side that have been created through the propaganda of education, the media, government, and religious leaders. Topic: Black American and former high ranking communist leader Manning Johnson turned from the Communist movement to warn Americans of how race would be weaponized to destroy America, create division, recruit militants and justify violence. Brannon shares from Manning Johnson’s book written in the late 1960s. Topic: We take your calls.
  • Brannon Howse: July 29, 2020 (Hour Two)

    Why John MacArthur owes millions of patriots an apology and Dr. Andy Woods exposes MacArthur's numerous flip-flops on everything from social justice to the gospel to his dispensationalism and more. Topic: John MacArthur has spent over 20 years writing books, articles and delivering sermons that included hurling insults at conservative American patriots for what he denounced as their Christian activism. In fact, MacArthur has declared in his book, Why Government Can't Save You, that America's Founding Fathers sinned and violated New Testament principles when they founded America. MacArthur has written that no matter how cruel or unjust Christians must submit to governing authorities because they are ordained of God and thus to disobey them is to disobey God. MacArthur uses a twisted interpretation of Romans 13 and 2 Peter to come to this conclusion. In July of 2020, without any apology to Christian patriots to whom he hurled insults and names, and without any public retraction of his years of written and spoken propaganda and disinformation, MacArthur now practices the very thing he once condemned. Dr. Andy Woods is a seminary president, pastor and trained attorney. He joins Brannon to discuss the troubling contradictions in MacArthur's public ministry is marked by years of bad theology and flip flops that should have any thinking Christian questioning the discernment of John MacArthur. Brannon and Andy explain that as public figures we are open to having our books, writings and speeches challenged through the grid of what is true and what is not true and MacArthur has made his living largely doing this to others and thus he is open to the same examination. Topic: Dr. Woods calls on Todd Friel to show whether or not he is his own man and can stand on the courage of his convictions and rebuke John MacArthur for doing what Todd declared just last week was sin and even promoting anarchy.
  • Sam Rohrer: July 29, 2020

    What Happens When Christians Say No? Topics discussed include: Protesters vs Preachers. Difficult Questions Being Asked. Showing God’s Love to the Most Vulnerable. ’52 Tuesdays’ Prayer Initiative.
  • Erwin Lutzer: July 29, 2020

    Among seven things God hates, the writer of Proverbs lists lying twice. That’s serious for a sin we all commit. Winning in the race of life requires telling the truth. In this message we find out why lying is so prevalent, and so destructive.
  • Jimmy DeYoung: July 29, 2020

    Each week Jimmy DeYoung brings Dave Dolan to the Broadcast Table so he can give us his Middle East News Update. Dave is here with that report that has news of a mysterious bombing at the Northern border of Israel; the IDF is sending reinforcements to the North, at the Lebanese border; there may be an "October Surprise" in the Middle East, from Iran; and the Muslims in Jerusalem will defend the Al Aqsa mosque at the Temple Mount in Jerusalem.
  • Crosstalk: July 29, 2020

    There is a great divide in America today. It exists between political parties. It shows up in our culture between that which is morally right and that which is indecent. There’s a divide within the concept of patriotism and even among people concerning how they should respond to the coronavirus.

    The divide dealt with on this edition of Crosstalk concerned skin color. How should we respond to one another?

    To answer that question, Jim welcomed Pastor Curtis McMiller. He’s the pastor of Heritage Baptist Church in Kenosha, WI. He was ordained to the ministry in 1997 and started Heritage Baptist in 2001. He’s passionately involved in soul winning and calls up the body of Christ today to be the church. In addition to serving the Lord, he also served his country having served honorably in the United States Navy.

    Much of what we see taking place today in terms of the various ‘divides’ has roots going back many years. These ‘divides’ were amplified by the death of George Floyd. Since then, many people have been speaking out. One of them, former Vice President Joe Biden, fanned the flames of the political divide when, in an audio clip played by Jim, he accused President Trump of being the first racist to be elected as president.

    In a separate audio clip, President Trump responded by claiming that he’s, ‘…done more for Black Americans than anybody with the possible exception of Abraham Lincoln.’

    How did the guest respond to this exchange? What about phrases such as, ‘Black lives matter,’ ‘all lives matter’ or the response that all lives won’t matter till Black lives matter?

    How should the church/individual Christians respond? This is an important question because the mainstream media attempts to look everywhere for answers except God’s Word. Crosstalk filled the gap as Pastor McMiller shared his heart and informed listeners with wisdom on this issue from Scripture.

  • Brannon Howse: July 28, 2020

    Part two with guest: Dr. Carrie Madej. Dr. Carrie is an internal medicine physician, and she joins Brannon today to talk about the Coronavirus, mandated vaccines, what is in the vaccine, the fraudulent testing and the loss of freedom. Dr. Carrie also discusses Bill Gates, the WHO, CDC and population control. Topic: We take your calls.
  • Erwin Lutzer: July 28, 2020

    Many people frequently exaggerate, brag, or slander. For some, telling a “white lie” is okay. But it’s not okay with God. If what comes out of our mouth is inconsistent with how we live, then we are liars. Lying violates the ninth commandment in the Bible, and God values integrity. Do you always tell the truth?
  • Jimmy DeYoung: July 28, 2020

    It is so important for each of us to stay abreast of geo-political events happening in this world that may be setting the stage for Bible Prophecy to be fulfilled. That's why Jimmy DeYoung brings Ken Timmerman to the Broadcast Table here on PTIB each week to give us his analysis of these events. Jimmy then gives his Prophetic Prospective on all of these issues as well. Ken and Jimmy will cover the details on the new alignment between Iran, China and also Russia; the fact that Turkey will stay in Syria; and Egypt is moving its military into Libya.
  • Crosstalk: July 28, 2020

    The state of California has been coming down hard on churches prohibiting all indoor worship services – including home Bible studies. Orders have also been given banning “singing” (or “chanting”) in church. More recently, the Governor ordered certain counties that had returned to worship services to again close down. One organization has filed for legal relief for a church they represent.

    Mat Staver (Liberty Counsel) represents Harvest Rock Church and Harvest International Ministry against California’s Governor Gavin Newsom. Is this Governor treating the church like a puppet, while at the same time encouraging bands of protestors? How can you sanction protests, but close churches? Staver will tell us the story and the progression thus far.
  • Brannon Howse: July 27, 2020

    Part One with guest: Dr. Carrie Madej. Dr. Carrie is an internal medicine physician, and she joins Brannon today to talk about the Coronavirus, mandated vaccines, what is in the vaccine, the fraudulent testing and the loss of freedom. Dr. Carrie also discusses Bill Gates, the WHO, CDC and population control. Topic: We take your calls.
  • Brannon Howse: July 24, 2020

    Guest: Dr. Jimmy DeYoung and Dr. Peter Pry. Topic: Iran seeks deals with Russia and China to build a coalition to resist the United States. Topic: Israel sends Israeli Defense Force reinforcements to the northern border because of tensions with Hezbollah, a possible war. Topic: The United States stands alone with Israel over annexation while China stands with the Palestinians. Topic: Report of war with Iran could be an October surprise. Dr. Pry joins us to talk about China and Russia militarizing space. Topic: U.S. Space Command again condemns Russia for anti-satellite weapon test. Topic: We take your calls.
  • John Whitcomb: July 27, 2020

    This week on “Encounter God’s Truth,” we listen as Dr. John Whitcomb concludes a short series called, “Judgment—Then Blessing.” He explained that God will use two different methods to deal with two distinct groups—the church and Israel—in each of their final days on this Earth in order to prepare them for the coming kingdom.

    Dr. Whitcomb then surveyed the major themes regarding the trends that will mark the last days of this age. To do this, he took us to the last two chapters of the final book written by the Apostle Paul—the book of 2 Timothy. Later, host Wayne Shepherd asked Dr. Whitcomb about those who believe that God is finished with Israel and has replaced that nation with the church. God’s Word is true from the beginning to the end! That is our reason for communicating with you here on “Encounter God’s Truth.”
  • Jimmy DeYoung: July 27, 2020

    Today on PTIB Jimmy DeYoung and Dave James will have a conversation on the advertisement heard on the Fox News Channel "Bedtime Bible Stories". Dave will reveal a number of concerns about this production, produced by These Bedtime Bible Stories may be dangerous to your daily walk with the Lord. Please don't miss this conversation.
  • Crosstalk: July 27, 2020

    Here’s a sample of the stories that Jim rolled out for this week’s edition of the ‘Round-Up’:

    –The U.S. government ordered China to shut down its consulate in Houston over spying issues.

    –Chinese diplomats recorded burning documents after the State Department ordered the closure of the consulate in Houston. Documents were spotted being burned in the consulate courtyard.

    –China has ordered the closure of the U.S. consulate in the western city of Chengdu.

    –A U.S. Senate panel has approved a ban on use of the Chinese owned Tik-Tok app on government devices.

    –Tik-Tok announced a plan to create thousands of American jobs amid scrutiny from lawmakers who believe the company is linked to the Chinese Communist Party.

    –Secretary of State Mike Pompeo identified China as the world’s greatest threat and called on Western nations to unite against Beijing as part of a global effort to eradicate the Communist Party’s growing control of the international order.

    –The family that owns the New York Times report they were slave holders.

    –House Speaker Nancy Pelosi said that fumigation may be needed to remove President Trump from the White House if he loses the election in November.

    –Portland protesters, led by the anti-fascist group Pacific Northwest Youth Liberation Front, threatened police and set a number of fires in the city’s downtown Saturday evening.

    –President Trump deployed an elite force of federal agents to handle ongoing riots in Portland Sunday.

    –3 federal officers injured Monday in Portland may not recover their sight.

    –A board member of a Black Lives Matter affiliated organization, in charge of tens of millions of dollars raised by the organization, is a convicted terrorist that was pardoned by the Clinton administration.

    –Black Lives Matter and Antifa mob activists attacked conservative columnist and author Michelle Malkin.

    –A Black Lives Matter member arrested for kneeling on the neck of a 2 year old white child.

    –President Donald Trump suggested he will dispatch federal agents to more major cities to protect federal property and to suppress violent riots.

    –Chicago police have linked armed children (10-17 year olds) to at least 16 car jackings since the end of June in the city’s south-side.

    –The Seattle City Council finds that the slashing of the police budget would require firing police officers according to seniority and many of the junior officers that would be let go are blacks. One City Council member suggested to fire only white officers.

    –Black Lives Matter organizer charged on six counts of possession of child pornography.

    –The far left Black Lives Matter movement has risen to unprecedented levels of mainstream acceptance over the past few months thanks to the overwhelming number of endorsements at times accompanied by significant donations received from major brands and corporations.

    –Senator Tom Cotton has introduced a new bill that would prohibit federal funds from being used to teach the 1619 Project at K-12 schools.
  • John Guandolo: July 27, 2020

    "The communist Movement intensifies as enemies of liberty become more and more over. UTT's Stephanie Ameiss names names of those paying for communist Black Lives Matter to do what they do as Members of Congress continue to reveal they are traitors. Meanwhile, the Islamic Movement is preparing for the next phase. Listen and learn on this week's UTT Radio Show!!"
  • Andy Woods: July 27, 2020

    The Great Global Reset pt-3.” Here, we fill in more details concerning “the great global reset.“ The Basic Income Earth Network (BIEN), the new mask police state, Biden’s ambition to fundamentally transform the USA, Teen Vogue and cultural Marxism, and Woodrow Wilson are among the subjects touched upon. Banner