Radio Broadcast

Radio show broadcast

  • Brannon Howse: April 21, 2021

    Guests: Mike Lindell and Dr. Douglas Frank. Topic: Brannon describes WVW Broadcast Network Studio hosting Mike Lindell’s 48 Hour Frank-A-Thon on Monday and Tuesday and gives you a behind the scenes description of this historic event in defense of free speech. Topic: Dr. Frank joins Brannon live in the WVW radio studio to report that liberal organizations like the Clinton Foundation and others have been allowed to enter the voting rolls in numerous states and change the voting roles. Dr. Frank and Brannon describe how the FBI and CIA are aware of this voter crime and do nothing because the FBI has become America’s KGB and has worked to overthrow our Constitutional Republic. Topic: Mike Lindell joins us live in the WVW radio studio to discuss the epic launch of Frank, the voice of free speech. Topic: We take your calls.
  • Crosstalk: August 18, 2020

    There’s so much news on the DNC Convention and COVID fronts that Jim hosted this special Crosstalk to deal with related issues.  Below is a brief list of included stories: 

    –The Democrat convention will be virtual and feature hundreds of live feeds from across the nation with four stages being set up in New York City, Los Angeles, Milwaukee, Wisconsin, and Wilmington, Delaware.
  • Brannon Howse: August 14, 2020

    Is there a legal system left that will protect and defend true conservatives? Topic: Brannon discusses the death of Phil Haney and a new article written about the FBI investigation into his death. Is the FBI playing politics with the investigation? Is the FBI even qualified to investigate the death of Phil Haney when the FBI has been proven to be compromised by Islamists, the deep state, along with illegal, and treasonous behavior? Topic: Brannon explains how the FBI has shown zero interest in the threats against his family and fellow broadcasters that have come by email and the USPS. The threats are so graphic and sexual that he could not even read them on the air. Yet, the FBI reportedly sent 15 agents to investigate a garage rope in the racing garage of Bubba Wallace. Topic: A judge releases a man from prison over the Coronavirus despite the fact he was interested in beheading Pamela Geller. Topic: We take your calls.
  • John Loeffler: August 17, 2020

    We hit the ground running this week with author and columnist Diane West who shows how the Marxist plan to destroy America goes back a century and the plan itself has been in plain sight the whole time. It is being enacted by the Deep State, whose actors have plotted to take down President Trump, and by Big Tech, who censoring information online and curtailing free speech.

    Blatant election fraud just occurred in Belarus and the shock waves have radiated from Minsk all the way to Moscow. Defense and aerospace veteran Reuben Johnson is back with us from Kiev, Ukraine to look at Vladimir Putin’s next move, the geopolitics of Eastern Europe, the U.S.’s involvement, and how China could benefit from the chaos.

    What happens when a false narrative falls apart? In this week’s boralogue, John looks at the three stages of a collapsing narrative, from explaining away of inconsistencies to shutting people up through censorship. Those of us who know the truth must then use our freedom of speech to counter with facts. Finally, when they’ve been caught with their hand in the cookie jar, they simply redesign the cookie jar by claiming they were always for the now evident truth and hope that no one notices. Moving on, not repentance, is the way of politics it seems.

    Finally, we welcome back to the program conservative columnist Dr. Brian Joondeph (, who gives his theory on why the push for mail-in balloting is growing, and how the election will go in November, including references to the 20th amendment, a vote counting debacle, and potential legal battles.

    Follow us on Twitter @steelonsteelpro as well as the Steel on Steel Facebook page and remember to join Praying for Persecuted Christians for the latest information concerning persecuted Christians around the world. Don’t forget to stop by our YouTube channel as well for our latest videos.

  • Erwin Lutzer: August 17, 2020

    The Christian knows that this present world is not his final home. In First Thessalonians we learn of the glorious return of Jesus to set right all that is wrong, and to take His followers to be with Him. As we wait, the church is called to be watchful.
  • Sam Rohrer: August 17, 2020

    The Constitution, Religion, and the Purpose for Law. We are joined by David New (Constitutional Attorney) and Rafael Ramirez (Samaritan Ministries). Topics discussed include: The Highest Civil Law – Purpose. Relating to God and Moral Law. Oaths and Affirmation. Samaritan Ministries Update.
  • Chris Pinto: August 17, 2020

    Chris discusses the storyline of the Book of Esther and how it pertains to the time in which we live today. When Esther was warned about the imminent danger to her people, how did she respond? Did she brush it off as a conspiracy theory? Or take action on behalf of the Jewish nation? Also discussed are ongoing issues in the news pertaining to the Covid-19 “pandemic” and how churches are ordered to remain closed, while some gay bath houses are being encouraged to open (in San Francisco). We consider Biblical warnings against those who turn away from the commandments of God and who “proclaim their sin like Sodom” (Isaiah 3:9). Also reviewed are stories concerning the Red-Green Axis — the alliance of Socialists and the adherents of Islam.
  • Jimmy DeYoung: August 17, 2020

    Today on PTIB Dave James and Jimmy DeYoung will discuss the battle between American Churches and State Government. The discussion is centered around the States telling Churches that they can no worship in their traditional way, as they have in the past. This battle, Church-State battle, has ignited another battle, one between Church Leaders and Church leaders, both groups take a different stand on the issue. This battle must be resolved, and these Churches must unite in the ministry of winning souls to salvation in Jesus Christ. Remember, 2 Peter 3:9 says Jesus is not slack in His promise of the Rapture of the Church, but He is not willing that any should perish, but all come to faith, salvation, is Jesus. You need to hear this conversation.
  • Crosstalk: August 17, 2020

    Here’s your weekly sample from a large number of stories Jim rolled out for the ‘Round-Up’:

    –President Trump announced yesterday that Israel and the United Arab Emirates (UAE) have agreed to a historic peace deal.

    –Kamala Harris has been selected by Joe Biden to join him on the Democrat ticket.

    –Biden described Harris as ‘a fearless fighter for the little guy’.

    –Video evidence of Planned Parenthood’s criminal conduct, which included profiteering from the trafficking of aborted baby remains through the illegal partial birth abortion procedure, was submitted to Harris during her tenure as attorney general.

    –NARAL Pro-Choice America supports the Joe Biden/Kamala Harris ticket to defeat President Trump and win big for reproductive freedom.

    –While Attorney General of California, Kamala Harris refused to defend Proposition 8 despite the fact that this was her job as top cop.

    –During her campaign for the presidency, Harris pledged to enact strict gun control legislation, even if Congress couldn’t get it done.

    –Harris, along with Alexandria Ocasio Cortez, has introduced a new bill in Congress called the ‘Climate Equity Act.’

    –The Democrat National Convention next week will prominently feature some of its high profile LGBT members including homosexual former presidential contender Pete Buttigieg.

    –Biden said that if elected, all construction on the border wall with Mexico will cease.

    –Representative Ilhan Omar of Minnesota easily won her Democrat primary on Tuesday, setting her and the rest of the so-called ‘Squad’ of left-wing congresswomen on track to return to Congress next year in their respective, solidly Democrat districts.

    –Over 100 Republican members of Congress sent a letter Wednesday calling on President Trump’s administration to end tax deductions for abortions.

    –The Satanic Temple is holding a fundraiser to advance their pro-abortion agenda.

    –A 2 year old cancer patient was unable to go home or celebrate his birthday due to rioting and looting in Chicago that eventually targeted the Ronald McDonald House. Following the riots, Chicago Black Lives Matter defended the looting as an act of reparations for white supremacy.–More than 84,000 mail-in ballots that were disqualified in the June 23rd primary in New York, where 2 congressional nominations were just decided this week, underscores prospective problems posed by the universal mail-in voting being called for by liberal politicians for the November elections in response to the COVID-19 pandemic.
  • Brannon Howse: August 13, 2020

    Guest: Dr. Jimmy DeYoung, Dr. Andy Woods and Clare Lopez. Topic: All three of Brannon’s guests respond to peachy treaty between Israel and the UAE. Topic: Is this peace treaty something that is good for Israel? Is Israel looking for a partnership with other nations within the region in order to fend off the threat from Iran? Topic: What are the prophetic implications of this proposed treaty? Topic: We take your calls.
  • Andy Woods: August 13, 2020

    Here, we fill in more details concerning “the great global reset.“ Our nation and world are now being fundamentally transformed due to the exploitation of the COVID-19 virus. Among the subjects dealt with here are: how the global elites are moving the goalposts concerning the return to normalacy, how contact tracing and the Black Lives Matter movement are now worldwide phenomena, the Internet censorship of any COVID-19 medical evidence that contradicts the global elites‘ narrative, the Supreme Court’s double standard concerning social distancing, and the discarding of separation of powers doctrine in Minnesota.
  • Sam Rohrer: August 13, 2020

    The Persecuted Church in America. Topics discussed include: Kamala Harris Chosen as Vice-Presidential Candidate. The Persecuted Church in America. Where Did it All Begin? Preparing the Church for Persecution.
  • Erwin Lutzer: August 13, 2020

    In one sense, we have way too many options to fill our time. A thousand voices demand our attention via radio, TV, movies, and the internet. But developing godly character requires developing our inner lives. In this message we hear a challenge on holiness.
  • Jimmy DeYoung: August 13, 2020

    Two of Jimmy DeYoung's Broadcast Partners will join him at his Broadcast Table today on PTIB. These two will have some very important reports. First, John Rood will come to give us his European Union Up-date, reporting on the political events in the EU, which are setting the stage for the prophetic to be fulfilled. Then, Dr. Don DeYoung will talk with Jimmy about how the recent space trip to the space station, and safe return, seems to be kick-starting a renewed interest in the study of the "New Frontier", Outer Space. These are two very interesting conversations that you don't want to miss.
  • Crosstalk: August 13, 2020

    Robert Morgan is a writer, speaker and pastor. He has more than 35 books in print with more than 4.5 million in circulation. He’s been on Crosstalk before discussing ‘100 Bible Verses That Made America: Defining Moments That Shaped Our Enduring Foundation of Faith.’ He joined Jim to discuss his 3-volume set entitled, ‘Then Sings My Soul.’

    According to Robert, hymns have been around for 3,400 years. The first recorded hymn is from Exodus 15 when the Israelites had crossed the Red Sea. Hymns continue throughout the Old Testament with some in the New Testament, including some that Robert believes were written by the apostle Paul.

    After the biblical era ends, Christians began writing hymns, originally in Greek, followed by those in Latin.

    Robert believes we need hymns, ‘circulating in our heads.’ He sees this as next in importance to meditating on God’s Word.

    Are we in danger of losing the great hymns of the faith? How does Robert view contemporary efforts to write worship music? What hymns and their writers stood out on this broadcast? These questions are answered, and other historical information is provided, as Robert reminds all of us about the importance of music that glorifies our gracious, loving and mighty God.
  • Brannon Howse: August 12, 2020

    Guest: Trevor Loudon and Kimberly Ells. Topic: Trevor joins us to discuss the documented Communist connections to Kamala Harris as well as her connection to Communist Chinese Maoists. Topic: Kimberly Ells joins us to talk about the global agenda to destroy the family as the incubator for basing on the principles of the free market system. Kimberly is the author of the new book: The Invincible Family. Topic: We take your calls.
  • Brannon Howse: August 11, 2020

    Guest. Pastor Rob McCoy and Pastor Andy Woods. Topic: Rob calls in to give us an update on his court hearing. He has some good news but we need the American people to stand with him and his congregation as they stand for all of us in defending religious liberty and freedom of speech and freedom of assembly and private property rights. Topic: Dr. Andy Woods answers these questions. Question: Explain how Jesus came to fulfill the law (Matt. 5:17)? Question: I have heard it said that the Lord rules over the nation of Israel and all the gentile nations are ruled over by fallen angelic beings. Is this true and, if so, are all the principalities ruling over the gentile nations fallen or are there also angels loyal to God who rule over nations? Question: How could Jesus really be from the line of David if He were born via an immaculate conception? Topic: We take your calls. 
  • Sam Rohrer: August 11, 2020

    The Current Age in the Prophetic Plan of God. We are joined by Bill Shade (Source of Light International Ministries, Evangelist). Topics discussed include: The Current Age in the Prophetic Plan of God. World Events and the Rapture…Is the Rapture Near? America in Bible Prophecy. The Pastor and the Church in these “Last Days.”
  • John Guandolo: August 10, 2020

    This week's UTT Radio Show is a SPECIAL EDITION and includes a speech given by UTT Chairman John Andrews about the threat to religious freedom and liberty in general from communism and Islam - Marx & Mohammed. John Bennett's segment includes the importance of defending liberty in each generation, and Stephanie Ameiss' investigative work will shock you! Listen now.
  • John Guandolo: August 11, 2020

    "This week's UTT Radio Show looks at the massive explosion that rocked Lebanon this week and what is behind it, as well as the decision by the US Department of Justice to decline prosecution against jihadi Congresswoman Ilhan Omar. That and much more with the Bennett Backstory, the Ameiss Files, Peggy's Corner, and, of course, CAIR is Hamas. Join us this week!" Banner