National Security

  • Brannon Howse: April 21, 2021

    Guests: Mike Lindell and Dr. Douglas Frank. Topic: Brannon describes WVW Broadcast Network Studio hosting Mike Lindell’s 48 Hour Frank-A-Thon on Monday and Tuesday and gives you a behind the scenes description of this historic event in defense of free speech. Topic: Dr. Frank joins Brannon live in the WVW radio studio to report that liberal organizations like the Clinton Foundation and others have been allowed to enter the voting rolls in numerous states and change the voting roles. Dr. Frank and Brannon describe how the FBI and CIA are aware of this voter crime and do nothing because the FBI has become America’s KGB and has worked to overthrow our Constitutional Republic. Topic: Mike Lindell joins us live in the WVW radio studio to discuss the epic launch of Frank, the voice of free speech. Topic: We take your calls.
  • America's National Security Hinges on ICBMs

    The fate of Western Civilization may hinge on the great debate now raging within Washington’s beltway, virtually unnoted on nightly news and unknown to most Americans, over whether to replace the nation’s 400 obsolete Minuteman III intercontinental ballistic missiles (ICBMs) with a new ICBM — or unilaterally eliminate all U.S. ICBMs.
  • These Three Seemingly Unrelated Stories Prove That 'Someone' Is Preparing For World War III So Americans Should Be Ready For A Coming 'Electronic Apocalypse'

    Washington, with its usual genius for failing to see the obvious, is in a quandary over a series of events that national security officials and the press perceive as disparate, unconnected stories: 

    --A dogwalker on the White House ellipse is attacked by Directed Energy Weapon (DEW); 

    --U.S. Embassy personnel in Havana and Moscow are attacked by DEW; 

    --The Colonial Pipeline, supplying petroleum to the eastern United States, is shutdown by Russian cyber-attack. 
  • Andy Woods: May 13, 2021

    Is there a relationship between national security and a porous border enforcement policy? Is it true that jihadists from Middle Eastern countries have actually joined the migrant flow through South and Central America thereby entering our country through America’s southern border? To help separate fact from fiction concerning this volatile issue, in this special edition of Pastors’ Point of View, Dr. Andy Woods interviews border expert Todd Bensman. Be prepared to adjust your volume up some around the 12 minute and 30 second mark.
  • Russia: 'War Is Inevitable. ..Cyberwar'

    "War is inevitable," according to Russia’s Simonyan, "I do not believe that this will be a large-scale hot war, like World War II, and I do not believe there will be a long Cold War. It will be a war of the third type: the cyber war."
  • 124 retired military officers sound the alarm: America in ‘deep peril’ of falling to Marxism

    Make no mistake, Chinese-style “inclusive capitalism,” also called state capitalism, is not capitalism at all. It involves public-private partnerships where the government, in league with woke multi-national banks and corporations, pick winners and losers based on a social-credit system that punishes dissenting voices and rewards those who prove themselves obedient to the corporate-backed state. This is corporatism, not capitalism. Free and fair elections will be a thing of the past, thanks to the HR 1 bill which the retired officers rightly fear will mark the ending point of our republic.
  • Brannon Howse: May 12, 2021

    Guest: Dr. Peter Vincent Pry. Topic: Did Russia and China Hack The Colonial Gas Pipeline? Dr. Pry explains why he believes Russia and/or China is behind the cyber-hacking of the Colonial Gas Pipeline. Topic: Dr. Peter Pry explains the new way of warfare and why Russia is likely testing the Biden Administration. Topic: Brannon gives the back story of the very successful Frank rally at the Mitchell, South Dakota Corn Palace. From the motor coach drive up, to the set up and the live streaming by Brannon and Logan to One America News picking up their live feed, to Jimmy Kimmel lying about the attendance numbers. Topic: We take your calls.
  • Brannon Howse: May 7, 2021

    Guest: Terry Turchie. Topic: Terry Turchie and Brannon discuss brainwashing. Topic: How the communists infiltrate our national security agencies. Topic: Why the FBI stopped monitoring the Communist Party USA and how the FBI now assists in the rise of the Islamists and Communist within our intelligence agencies and government. Topic: Former high ranking FBI leadership endorse book by Terry Turchie and warn about Communist infiltration into our nation. Topic: How the Communists are setting up capitalists to blame for our nation's woes. Topic: How the government is paying Americans not to work. Topic: We take your calls.
  • Peter Pry: May 12, 2021

    Did Russia Just Hack The Colonial Pipeline in the United States? Could Russia and China have worked together to send a message to America? Is America on the verge of a massive cyberwar with Russia and could Russia win that war?
  • Peter Pry: May 9, 2021

    Biden Administration is Failing at National Security. Listen as Dr. Peter Pry explains the threats the Biden Administration is opening up on America.
  • Brannon Howse: May 6, 2021

    Guest: Terry Turchie. Topic: How The Cultural Marxists Compromised The FBI So They Could Bring Down America. Joining Brannon in studio is Terry Turchie, the former Deputy Director of the Counter Terrorism Division of the FBI. Topic: Brannon and Terry discuss how the FBI was fundamentally transformed under FBI Director Robert Mueller and FBI Director James Comey. Topic: What Americans must do to stop the Marxist revolution now underway in America. Topic: We take your calls.
  • Chris Pinto: May 4, 2021

    Chris discusses the many stories of Chinese spies that are said to have infiltrated the United States government and intelligence community for more than 35 years now. How many of these stories are real? We discuss the official record of at least thirty convicted spies that worked for Communist China inside the U.S. Also discussed is the upcoming Beijing Winter Olympics in February 2022. We are reminded that Hitler’s Germany hosted the Olympics at Berlin in 1936 just before the outbreak of World War II. Some believe that the Nazis used the Olympics as a ruse and prelude to the war, to encourage the nations to let down their guard. Could history be repeating itself with China? Or are these merely rumors of war? Mainstream media has reported various warnings about war between the U.S. and China for the past few months. A recent article from The Nation asks: Are the U.S. and China stumbling into war? We discuss the possibilities. Banner