National Security

  • Brannon Howse: April 21, 2021

    Guests: Mike Lindell and Dr. Douglas Frank. Topic: Brannon describes WVW Broadcast Network Studio hosting Mike Lindell’s 48 Hour Frank-A-Thon on Monday and Tuesday and gives you a behind the scenes description of this historic event in defense of free speech. Topic: Dr. Frank joins Brannon live in the WVW radio studio to report that liberal organizations like the Clinton Foundation and others have been allowed to enter the voting rolls in numerous states and change the voting roles. Dr. Frank and Brannon describe how the FBI and CIA are aware of this voter crime and do nothing because the FBI has become America’s KGB and has worked to overthrow our Constitutional Republic. Topic: Mike Lindell joins us live in the WVW radio studio to discuss the epic launch of Frank, the voice of free speech. Topic: We take your calls.
  • Brannon Howse: February 22, 2021

    Guest: Dr. Peter Breggin. Topic: Dr. Breggin is a world-renowned psychiatrist that has for years taken on the pharmaceutical industrial complex. Today Dr. Breggin joins us to discuss the brainwashing of Americans through the psychological warfare on the American people by using Covid-19 in induce fear and anxiety and surrender of the American people to the global elite. Topic: Dr. Breggin discuses his new book coming out soon that reports that Anthony Fauci is tied to Bill Gates and to China. Topic: Dr. Breggin declares that one of the biggest drug companies in America is tied to China and as well as many of the largest corporations in America. Topic: We take your calls.
  • UnderstandingThe Threat: February 22, 2021

    While Jihadis are getting mild sentences for killing Americans in U.S. courts, the Biden regime is opening up talks with the world's number 1 state sponsor of terrorism, Iran. This week also marks the one year anniversary of American hero Philip Haney. We will discuss this and many other current events on this week's UTT Radio Show. Join us as UTT takes the fight to the enemy and puts FREEDOM back on the offensive where it belongs!
  • Brannon Howse: February 19, 20201

    Brainwashed America Part 1: Program Four. Today Brannon begins to play audio from his latest docuMovie Brainwashed America. Last night, February 15, 2021 was the world premier and now the entire two hour docuMovie is available for free for people to stream online. This was a big step for WVW Broadcast Network because all our past DVDs were not free but we sold them to cover the cost of production and to put the profits toward our general operating budget. Brannon believed this information is so vital to get out to the American people, at this crucial time in our history as a nation, that he chose to make it available to stream for free online. Please help us get out the world about this docuMovie to as many Americans as possible by inviting them to go to In today’s show we take calls from many listeners that saw last night’s premier.
  • China’s Cyberwarfare Attack On 2020 US Election Tied To Mitch McConnell’s CCP-Connected Wife Elaine Chao

    Elaine Chao, the Taiwanese-born wife of now-Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-KY), failed to disclose during her federal confirmation process that she served on the board of directors of the Multa Communications Corporation, also known as Multacom. Multicom is a California company that entered into multiple joint ventures with Chinese state-owned telecom companies China Unicom and China Mobile Tietong.
  • Brannon Howse: February 18, 2021

    Brainwashed America Part 1: Program Three. Today Brannon begins to play audio from his latest docuMovie Brainwashed America. Last night, February 15, 2021 was the world premier and now the entire two hour docuMovie is available for free for people to stream online. This was a big step for WVW Broadcast Network because all our past DVDs were not free but we sold them to cover the cost of production and to put the profits toward our general operating budget. Brannon believed this information is so vital to get out to the American people, at this crucial time in our history as a nation, that he chose to make it available to stream for free online. Please help us get out the world about this docuMovie to as many Americans as possible by inviting them to go to In today’s show we take calls from many listeners that saw last night’s premier.
  • Brannon Howse: February 17, 2021

    Brainwashed America Part 1: Program Two. Today Brannon begins to play audio from his latest docuMovie Brainwashed America. Last night, February 15, 2021 was the world premier and now the entire two hour docuMovie is available for free for people to stream online. This was a big step for WVW Broadcast Network because all our past DVDs were not free but we sold them to cover the cost of production and to put the profits toward our general operating budget. Brannon believed this information is so vital to get out to the American people, at this crucial time in our history as a nation, that he chose to make it available to stream for free online. Please help us get out the world about this docuMovie to as many Americans as possible by inviting them to go to In today’s show we take calls from many listeners that saw last night’s premier.
  • Brannon Howse: February 16, 2021

    Brainwashed America Part 1: Program One. Today Brannon begins to play audio from his latest docuMovie Brainwashed America. Last night, February 15, 2021 was the world premier and now the entire two hour docuMovie is available for free for people to stream online. This was a big step for WVW Broadcast Network because all our past DVDs were not free but we sold them to cover the cost of production and to put the profits toward our general operating budget. Brannon believed this information is so vital to get out to the American people, at this crucial time in our history as a nation, that he chose to make it available to stream for free online. Please help us get out the world about this docuMovie to as many Americans as possible by inviting them to go to In today’s show we take calls from many listeners that saw last night’s premier.
  • Brannon Howse: February 15, 2021

    Guests: Joe and Lori of Missouri join us along with Mary Fanning and Alan Jones. Topic: Joe and Lori are business owners in Missouri and join us today to talk about why they are buying a newspaper ad in every paper in the state encouraging people to watch Absolute Proof. Listen as this couple explains why they believe Americans must understand the threat to our liberties before it is too late. Brannon encourages others throughout America to follow the example of Joe and Lori and to partner with friends and fellow business owners to run their own ads in their states in order to push people toward watching the free docuMovie Absolute proof. Topic: Mary and Alan joins us to discuss how and why individuals tied to the intelligence community are making up lies about the contents found in Absolute Proof and why some so-called conservatives websites are carrying their lies.
  • Stream The DocuMovie - Brainwashed America Part One Online Now For FREE

    We normally sell our docuMovies, but we are allowing the world to stream Brainwashed America, Part One for FREE because of the serious threats facing America. We must inform the American people of the ultimate weapon of disinformation, information operations, psychological warfare or what is commonly called, ‘brainwashing.' WVW Broadcast Network sells our docuMovies so we can recoup our cost of production and use the profits to fund our growing FREE broadcast network and our huge monthly streaming bill that is the result of allowing people to stream from TV programs at 
  • Dr. Peter Pry: February 15, 2021

    Dr. Pry looks for some good in the Biden Administration during the first week of its existence, but finds only bad news. Three examples of President Biden’s worst actions during his first week in office, obviously reflecting his Administration’s highest priorities. President Biden extended the New START Treaty, ignoring cheating by Russia on strategic nuclear arms and Russian cheating on other arms control treaties, thereby in effect ratifying Russian cheating and locking the U.S. into a position of nuclear inferiority. Biden suspended President Trump’s Executive Order “Securing the Bulk Power System” designed to protect the U.S. electric grid from equipment imported from China that may be rigged to be vulnerable to cyber-attack and EMP. Biden canceled President Trump’s 1776 Commission and its mission to promote patriotism, accurate teaching of U.S. history, and counter teaching of Marxism and Critical Race Theory that brainwashes students to hate themselves and hate America.
  • Brannon Howse: February 12, 2021

    Guest: Dr. Shiva. Dr. Shiva Joins Brannon on radio to talk about election fraud, fascism, and the loss of freedom unless Americans respond correctly. Topic: Dr. Shiva explains how government officials and big tech are really one and the same. Topic: Dr. Shiva explains how individuals can accomplish big and important things without fancy degrees or credentials from the establishment institutions and schools. Topic: Dr. Shiva explains how America is at a critical point and Americans must understand that slogans and political parties will not solve the issue when the two parties are really one and the same using the Hegelian Dialect to keep people divided and confused. Topic: We take your calls. 
  • Attacks On Dennis Montgomery, HAMMER And SCORECARD, ‘Absolute Proof,’ Have CIA Connections

    Larry Johnson, writing at the Gateway Pundit, attacked “Absolute Proof” and former CIA contractor Dennis Montgomery. Joe Hoft, referring to Montgomery in another recent Gateway Pundit article, wrote “We don’t know who’s paying him.” Conversely, the question should be asked, who is paying Larry Johnson and The Gateway Pundit to put out disinformation about CIA whistleblower Dennis Montgomery and to bury the story about Barack Obama’s intelligence chiefs John Brennan and James Clapper who illegally commandeered THE HAMMER to spy on Donald Trump and millions of other innocent Americans.

  • Brannon Howse: February 11, 2021

    Guests: Dr. Shiva, Lt. General Thomas McInerney, Mike Lindell and Mary Fanning. Topic: General McInerney joins us to give his thoughts on the docuMovie Absolute Proof as it approaches 100 million views globally in under one week. Topic: Mary Fanning explains weighted ballots or weighted race. Topic: Dr. Shiva invented email when he was 14 years old. Dr. Shiva joins us to explain his lawsuit stemming from his run for U.S. Senate in Massachusetts. Dr. Shiva explains how the weighted race cost him his election. He further explains how the Secretary of State of Massachusetts worked with Twitter to have the account of Dr. Shiva suppressed. Dr. Shiva explains how this merging of corporate and government power for tyranny is fascism. This is exactly what Brannon predicted in his book that he wrote in 1995. Topic: Mike Lindell joins us to explain how the release of Absolute Proof the docuMovie is giving courage to whistleblowers at the local and state level all across America to come forward and report on voter fraud.
  • Brannon Howse: February 10, 2021

    Guests: Phil Waldron and Mary Fanning. Topic: Answering more lies and attacks on Absolute Proof by even so-called conservative websites. Topic: Answering the attacks on Dennis Montgomery. Topic: Colonel Waldron explains the real threat from America’s enemies, the new way of warfare, unrestricted warfare, and biological warfare. Topic: Colonel Waldron on why Americans should prepare for the existential threat facing America. Topic: Colonel Waldron on where America is on the threat scale of 1-10 with 10 being the worst.
  • Jimmy DeYoung: February 10, 2020

    At Jimmy DeYoung's Broadcast Table today, here on PTIB, Jimmy will have Ken Timmerman come to give us his analysis of geopolitical events in our world. Jimmy and Ken will discuss China and their Belt and Road initiative; Russia working with Syria to clear Syrian airspace, from the Israeli attacks; the statement by Secretary of State Blinken that Iran could have a nuke WMD within weeks; and how President Biden's new policies may be risking putting the ME on a path to a regional war.
  • Brannon Howse: February 9, 2021

    Guest: As a featured expert in the docuMovie Absolute Proof, Colonel Phil Waldron joins us today to discuss the 2020 election fraud and cyber-warfare act on our election by enemies both foreign and domestic. Col. Waldron at one time worked for the United States Government in the area of cyber-security and information warfare. Col Waldron’s background gives him a perfect understanding and detailed knowledge of what happen to America during the 2020 cyber-coup. Topic: Mary Fanning and Alan Jones join us to discuss the reports that Hunter Biden is invested in a Chinese firm that is reportedly behind some of the cyber-attacks on our 2020 elections. Banner